Page 11 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 11

the tan hetnre ynn ahg nIc~~t1gL‘ dxmctly to the uxtax atmw whn

u~u n cwcry day

He mud en the whole, cnmrt1:mr~ are mere :nn~cIcnuuII~ than I‘

eyer :\boutnold:\n1t1g1ng nnatergrnuad xmrtntructurc and are ‘

more aware of the rIIlu~ xmpuxcd hy the L()uI~It1na Underground 1 \ , -
nan, at Facxlny     a~ t1'u_' 1 Before YOU dlg,
"mg Law," hut there are ~tIll1~~uu~tl1t1lnccdtu he t1ddn:~~cd. , ‘ I I
u~pcc1t1lIy!mn1 the pcrspcctlvvx at a water nperatar. g |   I
"Dtunagc prcvcmmn n very nnprntant," Ryan wild, we get a ‘-

I()t()fr1_'~pu:t rrtnn c:mtrt1:tor~ T11uytyp1ct1Hy rc~pL~ct the mark~, - . .

hnt ~nmu are all“ mere \\'1lI1ngmtt1kc a risk when H comm tn l;‘p°“‘;‘: safety 2°“
water hreernnnnneanen. than ga. ar eleetrteny That's not haw —— ’°m 9 9’°““ “P-
It ~hould he, buI>0n1L~KImL‘~ they are ntnre enneeraea about

getttng a htu rrtnn u~ rather than w11atw1ll happen tr they htt a

water hne "

He wa~ qnteh in add that whne some water hnvew are In» ,

Imnmdxatcly dangernn. than hrtttng other unl|uc~, ~mkmg a ‘

24" water mam could 5L‘l’I(\L\>1y}\'\)|IYL‘ wnrker~. ““"*‘I5 W" W '“*'“'°

yml mg. n 5 the law.
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‘ ' , > _n ’ I {I mnnntaninn :1
, I, r ' 4’; \lnrm:lIJ‘t‘ ram
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‘ I at 4
/ — \/IVAX

D1883“ N13“ 0"‘ Damage Protection, Fast, Easy, and Accurate!
Bath men help conrdxnatc thu1rl1.»::\lDIggcr>' .\hght Dul, ene In , mm dmuemm hm mum" mm“

the Lakc Cl1t1rlc~ area, the other In Baton Ruugu Thaw: eyene .

draw ahent 3mL40U pt1mC1p:\nt~ per year tn earh wtth a fc~nvt1l ' '"‘°"‘" '°”‘"° '”“" °'°'“‘ “““ ‘"“""‘

« - R tn di t «
atmxhphcrc that ahh dn\.c~ heme the rare mcwngc of dnnmgc “ '“ ‘‘°'‘ °” ‘ ‘“‘_
Pmmm“ - Internal\hIat\nn checking
p\<§,’_ ‘

Targullng cx:t1\'t1mr~ — who are on the [mntImL~smd.1m:\gc a

preyentnan every day — h the qultkcat way ta rcducu damage. ‘

But nobody hm ~Imng in herrng nmulmg~ an day Wnh a wcam>m«=aummas mavmvaus saunas
DIggcr>' NightDulcvunI,Icarmng1~ madc tar. \v1t11mud aha _ ;g’Mj3j;=;;;v;};;f3:;§;;;°==""°
prrze. along the way.

Cumld are the Lake C11arlc~ eyent n In n~ 17th year, wtth 41;, ca
ux:z\\'t1mr~ partnnaattag. And Ryan .~t1ld the Baton Rnnge event

nmrkud rt. 25th year In October, with t1b()ul3fl0 (_'X(a\. nmrx ‘ ’"


The cvcnta are gcarud toward fomnmn and npumtur~ and It -

typnauy tnthtae a speaker \\'hncmph:\>1zL~s the naka that {J » 1
ux:z\\'t1mr~ take when they don't f()"u\\' the and a V

vldcu are.e..tat.r.n t1buul>t1fcty aha dnnmgc pm\'L~ntInn Local ‘;;f_j‘};;:§:;;'_:f;;jj;;jmj;;',; 2 ;;;j:;;g:;;f;;3;;j‘;;f;;
uqu1pnmnt~alc~ and rental lmum u\vnL'r~, eagrneen, uuhly ,,,,,,,c,,,, c.,,,.,. 5,5,” u,,,,, L,,,,,,,
u\\*ncr—npumtur~ and pxpclmc ehnnaanre. pxlch In tn pmvldc

[“()d and g,m,,,,,,. ,0, "K. mmd Czu us In sch-dull an an .... rmwmlqihon demnnilulmn (soc) 445-3392
Both men ad reaehntg nut tn cxtax tm.»r~1n lhh way hm bucn Vlv-Ix-M-in-much Curvnnlmn Tm,» I-'-"'-='--=~ u s;"_».,—
an effective and [un way to reach then large! authenre, and am Ynu Free aun4o:s—:a:mz my ia\ei@vxm|cnm
mm dwmg F M mu,‘ 9; ::Aa5n54 USA W. ~14ua—7:u4mn mznngmuixdnnknxaajam

em arm Lwrsmuflll . 9

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