Page 9 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 9

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hug}: \<\£hIc::y fir mgumud uh (W10 of the mntal buxldmgs
Dnl e as‘ u Itv mum Comp ex. .
' And If ou sus ect a as leak, call

Tllomaa ~a1d he .5 luokmg mm maklng bumper ~utknn V p 9

wnh the man logo to lake tlm memge to the next 1-800-ENTERGV (368-3749) or 911.

level. The stickers would adorn heavy equipment and be

handed uulatoulmachcvcnts. At Entergy safety is our

"Wu basically try (0 parlmlpatn‘ in anylhmg and nvcrytlung . .

we can to support damage pmvunllun," Tllumaa ~a1d. number one P"'°”tY-

"we parunpalc m Dxggcm’ Night Out, tlm Luumehh Gm M ake it ours]

Aasotmlmn and anyllung we can do to help. There's a y '

hedyy emphem on euumg 811 |n our org.1n|zauon." '

Thoma. and hm cxvws work e1u.e1y wnh LA811, and hm ‘ ' .‘ n—-‘:.-.-nn-v- _
alway~ had puamvc cxpcnuncca wnh Lhnz oxgan1z.1l|un,a~ . . , ‘‘'”’''‘

he mnnuonsIhatp1pcl|nc safety 1. ul pnme |mponan:c to . .

the huh and (In: ch. uumy Dwlncl. ‘r .é

"T}IL‘y’m gmatandyualaphonc tallawayimui wuh N - . .

Brent and Davnd and Thehhd, bamcally rsvnryunc (hum,  . ,_. £

u t1\cm’~' .1 problem, all you have to do .. p|ck up Lhc ~ :! _aV . 5

phonc," he .-.ud. I m..~ . ,

Q ~ . \

And |fy1.»ur uuhty or Company would hkc to p.1rl|c1palL‘ j .1}:

m Lhc 211 ugh program, all you have to du ..- pick up the _ _ Q ‘

phone — (hr: my at LAB11 can get me pmccw mned ‘ I ' V ‘
They pmv|dC Lhc—m.e1uuoh gmphm files to make ., ‘ =
the proees. Easy and lo makp the ugh «and out. 5 4

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