Page 8 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 8

Increasing visibility
511 Magszmes
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call or click ‘\
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before you dig. ~
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t e  » District 1
' K. 342.. .
~ .;;_\ East Baion Rouge Pnnsh

, ‘.
[you ate among the lhousand~ ui between two cllmh, ~u nu hennly "We nnn take any ehnnee we have tn
peopne who dnvc along Lotnnana txavclcd by .-evetal thon.ano1 vL‘hIClL‘~." pxomulc 211," Thomas ..ne1 ”Tlm fimt
state H1g1\way64|n Ea.-t Baton _ _ V \ thtng atn .emee guy~ and ladies In the
Rmlgc pnmh, you may hm‘: Th‘ ‘d“‘ “‘ "“‘ “P “'5” “ “’ P"°h“‘ ‘° oifitc ten the C|hlL»mL‘r~ who ean In ls‘

_ Thoma. by Robcrt Btnne, um ehanntnn ,
nouccd a rew new ngn. on the tonte. to eau 811 before they L‘X(E\\ nte. The 311
cf Luuhmna s11,nnn .ennn pnneet I I [H b 1 Hh d

They ate the [int cxamplns of n new manager nnth Enmrgy. Robert and ;i°:;";‘;:::'m“,, “’° “"°’ “L “"
mmzmvc by Luuhmna an ta Cncollmgn Thoma. .—en~e logulhlsr on the Lmlmana

nt.htte.- and cxcavauon n.»rnpan1c~‘ to ca. A»'L»nt1l|un bond, and that’. Thomm m1|d!1'1L‘ area whL‘rL‘ Cm unhty
help promote LAB11's etne mcmagc wlmm the c1.»nvL‘r~t1l|on .t.ntea1 D1~m:tN() 1 H huadquartcmd damn’!
Gm utthty Dhlnct No. 1 of East "LoII1a1ant1 one can had the elengn      ”“"
nnton Ruugc Pan~l1 teeently installed donc an m, nu we had te do was get ‘ ‘ " 5 ’

the -l—[oot-by-ébfoot ngn. on then the ~1AbyA2$ ugn made," Thomas‘ The ugni Include the ca. Uulny

tnn1ohng., facing cnenneu Spnngi "W: put up twe ~1gn~' .a you enn an: it Dntnet No 1'» logo 7 n Hcurdcelw
Port Hnehan Road, to lncrvsasc nent both nneetton.-1' wnh a hhte flame nnng bchmd 1! 7
annnenes. to ean tan bcfum yen dug. along wnh the Lentnann an logo and n
The ngn. am part at a larger nnttatne mm C M an m dick mm W ah
Dpcml|0n~ Managu Thomaa snnth by Louhmna 811 to gel the word out to ‘E 3 5’
.tna1 the ngn. nte guamd mostly toward towns and nna1 aten. nnn remind Abackhoc b|sccl~ the ngn, a
the gnnuml publ1t,bIIIprofc»'mnt1l them ta enn bcfom they dug. graphm element that Thenn. mud may
cxta\‘t1lors may notne the ugni as R b‘ d G _U 1 YD _ N ahe enteh the eye at Eunuu~ km. Aftcx
wen, a.- the area n an |ncmt1~n In 1 ° *3‘ ‘§' 1 55“ ‘j “}>‘ f "$1! ft an, at’. never toe eany tn mach out ta
tennenttal mn~truchon aetnntv. 1"" “ °“ , ‘M "‘ ‘ ‘“5° mttne exenvntot. and start a dlaluguc
' *‘S“" "“‘ 'h'‘‘ * “ ""‘““ Pm“ "’ P“Y wtth then pt1rL‘nl~ t1boIItd1gg|ng .a1e1y.
"Anyone who pt1~.~L'~' the ugrn‘, It will if .t ptenent. even one ea.t1y 7 and
eateh then eye teauy goed," Thomas‘ potcnually dcadly 7 uullty .tnke. An clcctuclan l~ nhenny at work wlnng
mud "VVc'm on a twoelanu highway In hglmng to keep the ngn. vtnue at
o . Lomsuu.!E11 2015 new

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