Page 13 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 13

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Have yett eyet seen what a watet matn have a b|g yatell You would neeel lo eecut as tn tltts atttele, the watet

can ele te a madbve-d7 If yett hate, tlten butld a peelabeut2s71eetleng(alnmst epetatet was netthed by tall, huwL‘vL‘Yt
yeu know, berete the watet ptessttte as long as a reetball held). so reet nattenal studtes tell us that when yett
cettld be tedueed wtth \'t1lvc~‘, a few wtele and 10 teet eleep. Pttbltc watet ate given the eppettuntty te leeate
hunelted leet ui tltts matn street was suppltets ate alse providing watet ynut watet ltnes, damages eeettt less
game‘. The etty's storage tanles tyete te apptextmately allu nttllten pcuplle‘ than on: percent (1%! er the ttme.

tn jlxlpardy et lestng yttal ptcssute te at ilnglefamlly and mullkiamlly , _
avold a boll etdet, sentces tn tltat part dwclIlng~ W“ :"f“‘“‘““: ""“ ‘hf ‘k‘l"t::’l" ‘°
er the etty wete lest, beth btts-tness P"-‘ ‘C ‘"5 ““ “¥""“‘ “ ‘ ‘ — '“‘*

watet ltnes ate L‘vL‘rvwhCIL‘, rlght~'— than tust tzllllng. lsut c><cavzm.»r~ neeel
and testdenttal, anel tt was necessaty —
l.»f—wzly~' ate Klvcrcmwdcd and te make that call te B11 bcfnm they
te eletettt atettnel matn stteet unttl the —
, becattse of the tncteaseel awateness dtg, and tr yeu have IIl\dL‘rground

"ml °''‘''ld 5“ ‘°b"‘1“ Tim“ M“ "‘”‘°' et the ttn ettanee er teteettn all uttltt v ltnes yeu need te be nettt'-teel
“"3““"° °"“”“““°“°““ ““ ‘“'""' b“‘ W“ unelet m}|)Il1d f1E|l|UL‘I: beth nfuntet al l1'\1l~)Ul'l1C1Ll:I;‘h 'lbouk te L‘x:av'llL‘

get the ptentte. 5 ‘ ' P ‘ * ‘ ‘

and rural watet systems ate bccunung neat your underground ltnes A watet
The mzl]orlly()[AmL‘rlce1'~ populzlklon membets er all systems because of the epetatet who became a mentbet of all
gets thett watet deltyeteel mm a pcrtclvcd yalue nrbetng netthed er teld nte, "Altet brstomlng a ntembet
pttbltesttpply system. "rhts tnalees Impending cxcavatlon mthet than by et 811, l was ~‘|IrprI~Cd by tust how
sense, as Amettca's populalmn new IcgHle1l|\'c enleteement. many ttcleets wete bclng ealleel tn
Iargclv ltyes tn tttban eentets. And let ,, that l wettlel hate nC\'C[ known about
— _ , , As one tutal watet CED stateel, lt , ,,
these et tts whe have ehesen te ln e tn 1 M b_ b k H ‘ b_ _ betete.
tutal ateas, hle ts mttelt bettet because “ “‘“ ‘ “ "“‘“’ ° “ °‘" "“"‘ "‘ , ,, , ,
, _ by new that the best |rh|Irt1n(L‘ pctltey l ye been asleed, W hat s the cast te be
er the natten s nttal watet systems. ,,
thett watet system can ltaye ts te know a mL‘mbcr7 The platn ttuth ts that tt
Demestte deltyenes by publte watet wlten sameene ts digging neat thett doesn't :(l~'L tt pays one unnecessaty
su ltets new tetal mete than 24,tton ltnes. At least betn a mentbet of an dama '2 et ene betl etelet ceuld eastly
PP E s ,

mtllten gallens pet day (MED). Te glvcs the ctpemtet a chance te pmtect cest mete than the membetshtp

pill that tn pchpcCtl\'c, tl yeu wete a hts system " Comm Luumm M1 to [M am Why
sw|mmlng—po()I butldet and a eustnmet

_ lt ts (rut: that ,ust bclng a membet llme1kL‘~ sense te beceme a membet

askeel yett tn bulld a penl that would d _ ,1 I K d _ Y ,t K d 6

held a mtllten gallnns, they had bettet “‘*" 5““"“‘ “ “ “"‘“3‘ ““" ° "Y

2018 Issued Laulslans 511 . 11

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