Page 12 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 12

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cm are a eeuple of amazing aauehan pnemy. Wnhout n you can’! opcxatun xL‘~pm1~IbIc fut kcnpmg
ran. about water that you have jobs, you c.1n'tha\'n busm2.s~L‘~, the water flowing and safe [or the
ma v nut know. hate!» or llumna. we mm: to en and customers‘ do ehdem p on [hm
> P P P
Dml you mm, pmlcct out water hue.-. valuabln rcsouxcv:
Whdc |ndu~{ncs' hkc tlmnnumlnctn: Rcccntly, a cunlracung new wuxkmg
- The avnragc em: my water aupplmd _
power and farm ungauon uulxzc |hc on .1 wlatc hxghway pxoycct was required
to a heme In the u s 1. about sum for _ _
Iaxgcal volume of water, moat cvcryonn to makn a bum under .1 arm: hxghway
1’”°“‘“"""“' ‘”1‘‘‘}‘ W““‘” “b"“‘ 5 Inca me. the v1luc cf mtncun oux lhwl rm tluou vh Lhc middle of .1 at v
g““°“" ‘°‘ “ P“““3’ nam§n'~' vnal puiahe wassr Supphgci For The h[|g}Iway in doubled a. the m)am
- The avuagc Amcn:ani.1m1lyu~na Dxamplc, alluttmg down a watnr aupply alrcnl u[ that uty. An all uck-:tw.1~
mam than my gauom cf watt: per :9 an aupen, emee eompxex or bcauty called m, thn uullty eempame. were
day at home. Ruughly 707, cf eh.» u.e nol|fiL‘d, the tonlmcmr wamsd tlm
ocEur~1nduor~. appmpnatn amount of me to anew the
1‘ be! d.All 1 --

- Mm» 
m<I:m'~' 3”“ za"°"~ 0‘ WW tu me ll)-mch water mam runmng m the
Pm um me. under pavement

- There am an naumamd my water mm may hm hm mm gm‘

mm ‘mh P” “W 0" M‘mg= ‘H W aea.-on. nut to expose those ..a1.he., ..
”""*‘“‘ 5'““°- wa. under pavemem (hum wnm ume
. 31”, 0; mm. m ey,m,,.. ,1“. (MM, cunatmlnts and me fallback tlunkmg
wait: to mom than 1uu,nuo pmpie am man can be mm than a },a,,_m,,,,,g may hm bccnu"1'l1J-Mborv dwpvr
mwm. 4., and an ym, old, Cxpmcm hm dmumng a mm than Lhc hhe... VVlmlcvcx the good

. A 4 (1 ,1 .1 1 bad aupply to a lluapnal could prove to be ‘““"°“‘ “’“‘ ‘°‘ "°‘ P‘°P““>' “*P"""3

n “gm :4 m “min Y ta (ammo hi: |hc ul|llUL‘~,Capnc1aHy the water hae,

abfpi sea, water and the human brain » P » H mmcd am to bu a bad chum the

M 3/» watch Kccv-nz our WW And none of that dhruplmna addm» contractor bored through the l0—m:h
'"‘”~"“C“"“ ~“° W1 *l‘“flb‘*‘ '5 a the Impact to (In: Water .-y.-«em. and water mam

Jo . Lomsum! 511 2015 mu

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