Page 11 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 11

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me }c.~1.S1 xx bexx known 11> “Big ‘.  ‘ \
Mime“ mound Houmn. Loumnnd ‘ ' ~
He km: enmed mu name by jum|Y— (

mg m mm both feel by mkmg on mg um ; \ G ¢ ,

and by gelling |hmgs dune Big Mike .s < 3 / / , 

me founder uH’C.Vl Inc (Pipeline Corr ‘ C M ‘ ‘ow
slrucnon zmd l\.1..unrenAm*c lncm]\on1|c1.{). @AMV _

Km bnsrgy LSA. LLC and we Kxd I:n— ma E/‘E["r.

ergy toundxmon @.DQ@_v

His cunccm for x..\fs|y comes {mm .

wcuklng m the pmelme buxlness V

.~1ncel1:\I\':1.~ xx years old He saw F '

fimhand lhe dungm ofrnpelme k ._‘\V '§ '  ,
cons|n\c|Iun and n\mnren.\nce at an 0,

my Age 

ms cunccmfor"k1L(x'xz\fe|y" ' V‘ , 1 I‘ 7‘ "_~_. V Q

.~|4r|ed wnh ms grandchildren 3 ,r r ,‘ ., '_— A _; , -,3 ~_,mV_ _ _

whenhe snw|h:‘yhnd41Inmsd cc 4 ‘ V ‘y _‘ W" V_ '~ “ -‘,‘ . V -J», .

undsrsmndmg uflhedxmgexs  “ 1.1 4 I , [ ; \\  1 , V‘; :3

nfoxldnd gnspxpehncx lhls ,_,. -"\ V _ J 1) gay»

g£1\'ehIn1ll1mden for“KId ‘-V’! J / I / p V ‘L V; _\

Izncrgy“ and me cdnoun chmdclers NI / 7 ,~«‘ «‘ ‘

“BumIe"— znndrurnl 1_.;z|sfl..\meAnd‘‘|:2\rl‘‘— [ K ,

an mi map '1 he purpoxe ofkld l:nen_!_y .s V / /

m deliver posII1\en\exs:.\ge.~ nboul pipeline K d L P _ Sum \/

may and me on ma gins mduslry m 11 Wdy bV'_ d“_":—V j‘ “’V"‘°‘““'f*’ V‘

max x|1ck.~ wnh kids Bu; Mike said. "lr’.~ “"3 _‘|“ ‘M "‘“‘f‘""‘V;‘V' "“‘”'“f“" "V" '“‘

all mm ranching mm m rhmk befure they ‘“ °”* ’ ‘“ *‘“”“‘°~ “ “° “E” °“5‘“°°" '

ucl and hsl|\mg|hsn1 develop 4 mmdxet for ‘“9 ""“ ‘““"‘e"‘"“°" “‘ "M1 “" "“9"“’"“‘g

Wen“ Vm.V|y.. mam 1.. me r:e\ru|:‘un1mdus|1yV Mom __

cxplnn1|Iun.|o pmducuon m re1'InsInsn| In ;4

one mm fin‘ Kid tmgy mm on Big \mn.<punn|1on and dIs|nb\mon V
Mk‘:|.r":| 'kB <11: 1 .

co‘m: L'fi;§‘J.I,.§7h"I5fio .E‘§"2T;".m.. B": "W  “°".°“ “"°'"  *‘‘9S''‘¥ "“

um Admuum ommme & hm . M pmIno|mg me me mggmg and M1 mcsxnge - ,

--u., my Pzmy" Kl    ”‘“'"H 5“? “'$§':'s MW‘ "= ¢°mb'"=d_ . ’
cxmoun '1 he Hoxyllne .s Bum1c.Inthe he.“ ‘he ‘.“"°“““" °‘ ' ‘M '“ “"1 h"°‘9’ “SA A ’

LL(. and Ike Km Iznergy ruummuun m at

oflhe .~ummer wnn|.~ m buxld 4 swmmung H) "b d_ H Vh — I b V d ¥
poolnndl:nr1hu>uconfi|cl\v||l1d1g— if {h 33' {fins 0'" ="=  :

gmg|he wnxmuxemcmng mu “ "““ ' “* ’‘ . 5

lo hem bung lhc ch:1mc|ers In Me. Mike “'9 “*5 '“‘‘‘ fi""“”“- W‘ '““ 9““"‘9

mauled lIfe—s|zed Burma & my n\:1.~L*o| co» i““‘h‘“‘_‘ f’ "d" M": ‘"B“'““.j‘“"':“:,‘“‘*f“‘d ' -

lumex Ancrthmhec.\me\m\v|Il1|l1e1dm ‘he  ‘"3’ “N K "‘V""; "V“ d " ‘“ ‘» ._ j-.3
ofn“I’uo1l’nn'y‘co1unngbooknnd4h;ml— “Ell” "Y" °“‘ ““‘E~‘ "‘ “° "“ "“‘ ‘fig’ \, 
bound moo! library book ‘“ ”“ fifl . L ___V ~ fi §_

2013 !ssue2 Lumsrsrusll . 9

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