Page 14 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 14

L d h’ C B R d’
ay Vlrglms Reamzs p g
The Pulley Center
/smson, M5
nee we had a «a.~nn«e 1U',7nln:masc—an EMod ail 1—wlthln "0. Wm... ma “ma ,1“, .,,.,.a,,. .,cga,.V
.n.-nmnee e...«ome.. Yea, 3 yea... Thaw. a |ut.1l3l\% l..« an «hen «he.. he lmed new people, wha. land
hls p.em...m. were pretty wndeem eomp m«e. alnne. Pl...» «he cf lramlng d.d he glvn «ho.e guy~7
hlgh, but «he man'~' enmpany pmpnrty eame. .a..-ed «hen dnductlblc D“. may M, a.,a..d a ,a.m, nmmgy

neve. ever had a ela.m. He even had «o $5000, and «hey got «hen aulu Then, oh wow, one of «hem 'l...n h..

a an Expcrlcnm Mud on hls WorkL‘r~ eovemge dmpped. The wont thing «l.a« back.

comp Tha« mean. he had a 204,»; ean happen .5 «e have your m....anee

d..eo..n« off «l.e golng mics bcmlhc he eaneelled or non-rcnnwnd. Nnlmdy “'0 “'°"<L‘“ '“‘<“ "'9" Cu“ ‘mm W‘
was ela.m fmu lo. yea... Our w.1nl~ you when «he happen. mouuz°muul—wl-cm luaolml--lo mm!
guy M,“ had am, ‘am’, mmmk A V k V IV‘ V ‘V Ob V bcgln. ln «he msurancc .nd...«.y and
NM “NV hm Cm), day H mm M V1-u Vg--1 -rV'xVruVy Vlrum U: dvl-uu~ M .n all «he «mde.-, lack of
 :.;.:air;:::.,;;i::;::;3...:; Ii?‘$215.31"§§§;‘§;$£‘.T£?f3fia
‘'5‘‘ "sh! And v-vbvmmlv. "understand-ng «he dct.ul~—aund wa«eh.n eIe.el ,

Tl.e man dee.ded «o rctlm, and he .ha« Lhcsc « lmppcn" wa~'n’l «he wmctlilng .5 going «a go Twang Y
«nmed «he management of «l.e l.e.« buslnnm appmael. ane. all A,.y...m5 cm. and 0; m.,,5cV ., W...‘
over «o a mlallvc, one whn had aemally “V V _ }VV _ k

Wmkcd mm the “W Th MW a two manage-mm awro-wt u we-1 Mo.-« Imurzlncn enmpame. «ha«
manage, undmmd W, bwnm mp cuvu «he «.ade. have nsk eon«.ol

W a ,c.fl,,,,CV had R “M m up. bu,,,m,, , depa.«men«. «hal .end out rlak enn«ml
.«aymg sutcusful Fllrthcxmoxc, he ’ ' . guy~ tu ubsurvu how you do wlm you
had PM”, of good mm mm how to do and ...gge.—« haw «a do .« safer. You
l.e.« us'L‘ «he 4.: hone pe. week he , , , \ °"“ ‘“<l“*‘~l ";l< control some to your
aummd (0 mm _ ; V - opcratlon—ll .- COal‘f1'll‘C and pan cf

Your m....anee m ee lun

Tl.e upemllun .«ayed p.e««y busy ) V P

bucmwc, «n.«hh.lly, «h.. w.1~n't «he .-on ‘ , - “ W“ “W ‘ “"‘’L‘ ''"‘L‘ ‘°’ ‘‘‘"‘*‘“°‘'
1.»fbu~lnL‘~a «ha« a lo« of enmpe«.«.on cumlm-|u~ mulutuln u v-duo l-brary
but had a lo« of pes..l..l.«.es The new will ucromvanymg brocllum-lylm
manage. expanded and hned a fcw ‘ luu-<luul~ you can mount and mm
mum zelle «n mee« «h.. demand your own aaluty mccuusa»

And he .«npped «he .a«e«y mcL‘l|ng~ : V ll yuu have l-ad ~u-nu clam-~' and your
bucmwc, well, h.. gay. we.e .—ea««e.ed fat? l-av: zom up. tltc cumlo-my won“
all (Nut and d.dn'« have «.me «o n.n 0 nuw w you are ry-us 0 -mvmvu»
.n«n «he nmee for an he... o. #0 ....« «n Rmlucsung aoluty vlolcu» and luocllum
gn ovcr «he .ame old .«..:1 «hey had all -~ :1 «up In the ngl-I rluucuon

lwaml mm‘ and "mu ago-n» Your eempany and «he m....anee
wha« happened nod? l« .«a.«ed w.«h an [or «hem.elve. — one got «he ,oh done, cumloouy are a Purtumluv whom each
octaslunal amall workers‘ eemp ela.m, and «he other «a.led. Ml~L-rably. lxum-‘lb from tho ollmr Muuuululus
«hen «hem was‘ an neea..onal «enden SVVmdVWV VIVVNV mm V M M V“ C“ a «wool Purtnmlllv oloua two ll--ns~
bnndcx auto ela.m. The workers we.e 1 am VVM * V V W: mm“ V13’? for ,vuu—u save‘ you money (uvm lf
....e glad, «l.ey .a.d, «ha« «he new guy  The V V“gV‘V_>dVdn,V mm Vg hm VVV that only rncam you do NOT get on
was .n charge, l.eea...e he .mde..«nod VVX WV IVJVVV’ um V (hm Vjd um Vmcki lumuwl and "bu-lds u loyalty ~o. If
«ha« aemeumes «he.e lhlngs happened l’ 1 ‘hm Vim; Cf‘ not VVV M“ u you lmvu a scuvus lu». the company
to havn «n cxplaln «n «he old guy how V1 V M ’k’ I’ nun-ru-cuunlz your L nut ru-cwa»
he laaeked .n«n «l.a«o«l.e. «meld Ne, ...r 3“ “" "‘ “ W” ““ ‘°‘“l’ ° “‘""‘ mm mm Wm 50, yW,.m.a,,.},,,, ...ap..n..~ 3'5; ;'g§“§fi;;°§j;‘§§ Vlfljjfdfigg; -~wha«I«-ts rhcmknowwlwyuu
Ne.«l.e. d.d mneh damagc, but «hey “M V mufim V 31')“; V “Ea V mm“; 5 Expert and how you expect -I done Lu!
W" " ‘““‘““ “b°“' ‘1““““‘“' 3”“ 5”“ mend. an «he f.l .. I For c1r~tl\>1l mmm YW Mm mm and M
mluryidmg, V V 3» y V- V - eq...pmen« .n nne p.eee a« «he end as d.dn [have any lmacw and pm day
lzn««em, «hey not only last «hen «hen .n....anee m«e.- wen« down “V V d b V B
20%. dlacoum, h..« wmmd np w.«h a when the new WV [wk um and ~ lu~ gou uamu~~-
dee.ded «ha« «he .are«y meenng. we.e
.2 . Loulslzmu 511 2019 ems

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