Page 12 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 12

ou will decide if your survival as is the case ui our ”Nu Dzparnnzm." liecause research shows they are
instincts are a triend or toe to ,_ intreouently used. stop and ask
the collaborative teamwork 3"" 1°‘ ° ‘wk “‘ Mm" Nam" yourself when you last thanked other
. through another set or eyes. _ .
required for damage . . members ui the damage prevenhon
N h . 1 . b I-hsloncally, the survival inshnct has H d . . b, P H. H
prevention. in, t is artic e Is not a out been the ‘mpzms in ammflls and pac or oing a great io . u ica y
psyohobabble, so let me explain. humans ‘D ‘Om ad“ H mm YD“! recognizing each other is a great way to
_ . . _ P . . * establish each others validity.

we are hardwired to survive which department is a pack witlun your

gives rise to tight or night whenever company which is itselt a pack. The 3. Reassert Control.

we erceive h sical or s cholo ‘cal Dama e Prevention communi can .

theirs to uufszcurity. 12/: been 5?. also IJEE considered a pack consitysting nf Team‘ “’““‘ °”“‘.‘“‘ “‘ ‘}‘““.““““Y’ 5“

. _ _ . . . _ the essence uf this strategy is allowing

organizational consulmnt far over several individual packs, i.e., one call and mmmg Gum membm of mg
thirty years and see these instincts centers, Excavators, utility companies, d h. ‘E 1“ d h t
working every day. For example, rm communities, politicians, etc. Now lets ‘h“"‘ff“g"“("““ ‘m ““ W‘ “ "" “
currently working with a department address how paoks can work together— “Y ° *5 ‘

that has the repumtion uf being the collaboratively. I'll begin with the three My Embellishment

‘NC Department" within the company. strategies otiered by Lisa Kwan and Lh

That is, whenever there is a request then otter an embellishment. K‘f‘$P;“‘ ‘f '9“ ‘:°"::““‘_} .

tor cooperation the requester hears no, . °° “ ‘“ V? “"“"°' 5 “ 5”"

we Cm,‘ an am Sm“, H1 msfims at 1. Group Iiierimy. with that said, however, there are
work: The sad part ui this story is the This author contends that every 3‘ 153;‘ ‘““’ “”‘“°““‘ ’"““3‘“* ‘“
department manager didn't know their team must maintain its own identity ‘°“’‘ 2'‘

reputation until l reported it to him. defined by the nature uf its work and 1. “I” in Tzumwark

. * -. ‘ . E be fdt d

Researcher, Lisa Kwnnlwmie about  fxghjo ::‘““ contrary to the old cliche _ there is
teamwork blind spots in her article, The . only a we iii taaiii gvgry iiidivialiiat
collaboration Blind spot that appeaied h“““"Y P'°“d °f "5 °°“'“b““°“ ‘° wiuiiii [ha dam E maiiiiiiii

. . . keeping their respective communities 3 P _
-n arm-tHarvar=1 Bus--ass Review W community needs to undersund their
(March 2019). She saxdi groups feel ’ treedom uf choice underwrites the
threatened when others are enoroaching 2. Rzuffirm Legitimacy. decision to be a collaborative team

on their territories. sometimes, 5 ma k lb M E Lh member or not. There are many
tollowing instincts get people in trouble m“;’r‘:‘1§xffiC':llt5;:;‘!:l‘:“:jv:rba;:z: ° rlwhysrr soiiiaiiiia chooses ,iii. in pa 3

la . Lomslarlll E11 201S,lssue3

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