Page 19 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 19

couple of zigcnb involved In finding n pmvidu a good cen l know ~()nIL‘tImC~ hoe will blow within hye yetnkunle»
Company mr you that will eoyeeyein it’. awkweird Eyeeyooe’. in n hurry you tell .otneone who can/null in II
buxinc». Did i .ny the re1Icl~ going to and ninylae the .uh he. to novel on Imnicdieilcly Then it’. all good
he hneheev ye. They know wheh each your hehen Ynu wzirit hnn to get on the X h_ d 1 ~ V _ H Y ,1 H K
other  the  he to  ~  and h.. agent he1~n’t mturncd the d  hi: ‘ff; ~*ji**[;‘5<5:1 >r m M"
And yc~, your pnce will go up see call Tell whoever nn.n»ee~ at the agency km‘ f‘ ‘;,'““f [V _t”‘ d“'{ ,,“j5 d
e1kluvie'—!cwL~I pleiyulw, inane’ prnfit that en you oeeti i. n ccnlficatc on ~u— °‘‘’,;‘‘‘ 5“ “ ' ““ “‘ “ 54”“

dw MVCSR U“ do th“ Ya“ dun,‘ to go’ oh, no Dnectnannl drilling can
so, firue'—ynu'ne' not running an ‘“’ ’ and will do one ~cnuu~ dtinieigc it
.n..nahce eompnny, ..a how doe. ahy hhe. zim lye.» dawn thet fzir
tln. nrteet you7 You'll neyee know you hit them,
You dcfirinclv can’! do bL\~ll\1e'~5 mm“ bumuic ym" Cqmpmm‘
Wham mm—mnm W W’ M i. too good Lltnnately, .oineone

,~ will go ha then pmblcm nnul
gn. cxplxhion up in wi.coo~lo dmwu ‘he mm“
i. your pmhlem In n way it will
ntiect vuur mte. over time, .o it Today’. equipment I\ die'~ignL~d
will hit yous bottom line Cu n.h n to gut yous lob dooe—nght away
trucker and .ee what’. happened The hettoni hne i. that you can do
to then re1Ic~‘ .enon. dalnzigc wnh thet
W -"ck '~ bung ~mv' iii‘ T3132: 3?? e,”t‘fi'3}“a§f,‘Zf 'iTie.
c0ris:IOLi~‘ are ‘
Th" " nbvmu” hm bum‘ Cami lucatcx in: cnllcil arm;-ix
rcpuzitlng get n eemneete ot.n.u.ahee need dis agent (odds are he'll hand it Vm HDD 1 H ‘V ‘G _t yd‘ P *
directly from your s|lbmlilr:ictor'~ on to -he  cm an.vw.»~>. 1”“ ‘CW ;§*M;g§V th*m‘*;”; ygkjg.
e1gie'lil—mlt e copy or the pehey tnnn the U” ‘uh Wm M 5‘ WWW‘ ax ‘ ’ 5 ’
nib OK, he gene it to you three month. Wmblu If you an A \ub/ mm We sntety i. c\'crytliln§ n. we move into
e1gu7 No, get n new one These i. no you undmmd mu locm mmkmgx Kl1l~ new uonene MHDD op. and the
Charge mr k1'\I\ lt . called n Ccrtlfitatc md flag‘ and mm that ‘he lucked gm ie'\'L~r—prie'~L~ntd:inguI orcso..benn,; 5
of Insurance.” Only us: ~|IkV> who can
$W,% American Mudstiearn ls commmod
. Vex 4;, to eanducfing our operations with a
é” ml rl% primaryiocusonprotqdinglhe
‘ \  sadety of those Iiyinq or working
IM29-AU(ll$| 1,2019 - ,, J near our pipe Ines.
Asiuli BRDWIIE nun
NEW nliimls. [A
Jon “S Mi1ilday(Ju|vZ5) - Thursday (ting 1) lnr B
lsll/ls:/lasshssnnsl Kmflfiwm
call was yuu an
Alahama Public Service nnmnissinn '" °'“;;;;;;“f3'g§“°*
ArkansasPn|1|ii;Sizrvi:aEnmmissinrl °"’
Arkansas ml 5 Eas Cnmilllssinil
lnuislana Department nl Natural flasnlirnes
lnuisiaiia Ea: nssnsiainn \
Mississippi Public Service Dmnmissinn
New Meliii:nFu|1|i: rizgulaxinn Enmmissinil A M N D
AlVlERICANI\AIL):y 1 I ltAI\/7
2019 lssue2  an .17

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