Page 17 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 17

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On seplrmner 25, 2007 a m/Isslw lmtural gas cuxplaswu lzndfirc dcsrraye/1 an
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'-3"‘ mm a sewer lateral and a gas lme, rlrr lmtur/1! 3/15 mrgrarrel fhmugll (ha sell/Cr
‘ \ .‘ ‘ l line and into me rfaer lmlldulg and a shark mar later, we zrplaslan nrrurmd.
- . \ l , Mar people were uljured.
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In some eases, the rrossbore is days, weeks or even years. But as debrrs mrluslry expezts entollmge workers
dl~‘EO\’El'Ed immediate] , like if a m Lhe sewer llne catches on the r1~ line, to do la run a camera down the sewer
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power or major eommunreanon lme a elag fnnns befun: usrng an auger, to make sure
rs damaged, leading to an lmrnedlate me obslruenan l~n'I a gas lme or other
, _ . Eventually the homeowner wlll call out
outage. But that .s not the ease wlth _ V I I | [1, ‘h lnlrudlng utlllty
some pnvale lmes, where problems are “ *9“ E‘ ‘ “““°“ °‘’"‘P““V, ‘’ " E .
_ _ K K , problem. And rr they aren laware of the onee a erossbare rs detected, It calls

I” "km “’ b‘ “°‘‘‘“‘‘ ‘'“"‘“‘‘“'‘1’‘ dangers of erossbores their equipment to me mtrudmg ulllltv to correct me
wlren a erussbare Involves pnvalc may slree Into the pre gas lme, eausmg problem when It's all sarrl and done,
lrnes such as watcl, sewer, prrvale me sewer, and passrbly the name, to fill that ran be an erpensrve orrleal

power or private lrber, elr., a mnlmclor wlth natural gas.

may nal know llre-re-'s a problem unul . “""““‘“"°" °f “ °‘“"”b"‘“ 'YP“a"V

When gas‘ or elcclnc are lnvolved, ll costs between $500 and $6000. Mast
a homeowner erpenenees an rssue, .
V . poses a threat to me lures of everyone plumbers know to nonry all ma]or
“}““}‘ “M” b“ l°“5 “R” ‘M Wm‘ ‘“ rn Llre vlcimty but pnmanly lo the uulrnes r: a erossbore has oecurrerl thls
Completed. ' ’ . ” ’ ' ’
plumber who rs not aware of what allows a trained excavator to remove

And that delay rs wlrar makes sewer lhcy'Ie getting lnm. me line sarely

Hmsbum‘ 5” dual)‘ Safety DIgE|nlZilUDl'I~ are reachlng out If you suspect a C!Os~‘bO!E has‘ occurred,
In the ease of a gm lme lnlrudlng into a lo plumbers and sewer eompanres elear the area and call 911 immedlately,
sewer lme, the resrrlenr mlght not nonee Ihmughuul lhe ronnlry Io educate then notify the affected utlllty or ran
any ill erleers from the erassbore for workers on erossbores one (lung 811 so they can responrl qulckly. W

2019, Issue 2 Lnulsluna all . 15

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