Page 20 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 20

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 - <-.7’: 53,4"  "2-.“§ 7 "9. . .
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.. my yam. m “,2 m....,m,m |ndu.[[yl Ihflvg saw some speclfic to dlaeetaonal dulllng and bonng. These
entaaely 100 many damages to undcrgmund aatalataes. may even be paat of theaa permimng pmeess. Take tame to
Of mum, mm hm am, a .,,.,a.,..,da at mm”, ml. Invmllgnle them and see what ampaet they could have on the
as taalaaae to notliy, anaeeaaaate maales, aansate digging work (1: be pnriurmlzd.
Saaetaees aaad the llkn when l fir~t‘be:"ame anvolveel wath 3‘ mdmg um Work ‘D “Haw M “Emmy Sam),

‘° “a “Y “"19 °‘ °*““""“°“v ‘ W‘ """°t “*‘“"““g "‘°“ paeeaaataons Thas as easy to say and dlificult lo lmplemenl an
1”“ W“ ‘“"““‘“‘ ‘}“ """“‘ Way W‘ M “"3"” ““"‘°‘Y a elamate tvheae avoale as anaaaded to the lowest bld but the
‘’P‘“'‘“‘ ‘‘““‘‘‘‘“S ‘“’“’ “°‘ P’“P“’““‘ ‘°’ ”‘° ““‘‘1‘“ "“‘ °‘ potentaal loss hum ,aa.-tone damage ean he a lnasanesoendang
‘“‘“‘““““‘“" P“°‘“““ ‘'3’ ‘‘‘‘“‘‘°“‘‘' d“‘‘“‘g ““ b°"“$' nlastxophe as well a life-chmglng one for many aIhl:r~
A‘ “‘°““°““‘ “"“‘“E ‘’°““"‘‘ “W P“"“‘““" “"3 ““"‘b“ 4. There as no saalastataate tot expoung en.-tang aatalataes to see
°‘ d“'““g‘* ”‘“‘ °°°“"“‘ ‘“'}‘““ “ “°“"““°’ hm“ ‘1"°“%“ the laeataan and es eeaall a the elevataon/de th Assaaman
a lane otteaa made heaellanes and weae sagnalaeant, wath _ ‘P ’ . . *’_ ‘ ’ 3

any lane I~ mstalled at any speeaae d2pLh I~ u~ky anel as a
devastatangeonsemaenees ovea the yeaas, theae ha.-been dmim mam“ do mwhh ‘D mm mwhm wmwm“
a lot atdaseaassaan ovea pos.-able solutions and leglslzlllve P ’ V _’ ‘ ' ’

health and wnll-bung hangs m the laalanee. And neathea
aemedaes, and some aetaons have been taleen. However, whale should “mm em
tlae panlalem as recognized, a aeal long-tea-an, unlvcnal solaataon ’ ‘ — ’
seem. aanattaanalale. Many aatalaty companies ate spcarhcadlng 5. Nelwurk wllh ulher anteaested paataes. This h a sataaataan
theat 0\'\'l'l ettoats to paevent eaossahonng Ihmugh lanes, but as that elemanels a gmup elaseaas.-aon and anpaat fmm all paataes
at enough cunsnlly? to gaan a salaataon that tnaly helps Tha. may pxovlde sheat-
Theae aae aetaons that ean be tak2n,botl1 ~l\nr|-term and  :"1‘““b‘;‘::“::‘rb{‘1::‘:‘é‘f$’a“’3"“ ‘E: 
some long-team (and probably more, dcpzndlng upon ’ P P Cy ’

state or redeaal level may rmult.
loeal mgulauuna, speealae aatalaty aeqaaaaements and antemal
eompany nales) Thls as not an all-anelaasave last. ln a changing envaaonment,
theae tnaly as none. But at least stayang ahead of the taends,
1- O""‘°“"'Y'P"°‘P'“““'“5‘”8°°d"““ “P‘°P“ ad aastan antemalea omte nllc'|o addaes. what 1n~benn
‘“’P‘°“°“ °‘ ““ 5"" ‘“"‘“P“‘ ‘“"“‘“' °‘ P‘““" ““ walmessegd and a;am§§ l|’I‘I1'1IL‘PfiCld) as a health ~‘t1rt a{nel
drawlng~, elaseaassaons wllh any goveznlng ageaaeaes thathave _ ’ Lh‘ ’ Y ‘ ’
. assaamaaag any mg about the aaltamate laeataon and potentaal
panselaetaon ovea the aaea and artea all of tlaas, havlng the rlghl _
. canfllct dunng a eaoss-hoae ~huuld not occur. m

people and eqaaapment on sate to perfnnn the work.

2. Eaoh gavemment agency may have speeaaae aeqaaaaements at. lXHN(L‘1H[U!N1W{VlZ¢iMIVn‘<M(VVIA[IN1A‘C4’UVX4‘f I;_wI£< Ct: , Int‘ aye.
for aatalataes that have been lnstalleel wltlun theaa panselaetaon, «-w-rk«w-l«m«>v~»omlv-m :5 V/«W

at . Loulslzml:E11 2o19,lssue2

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