Page 13 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 13

elestnietive Excavafiun and utility lee.-ite teehnologies, can reduce pmjed eusts. oz murse, in addiliun tn the |1ai.lElS.
inethoels aie cunsldemd Best Practices Accmding to the study, titled "Cash there am truck vats and cumpanies
iii inost states " It‘s elsu less invasive Savlngs on Highway Pmlzcts utilizing whn pnwiele the Vatuum axtavatiun
and causes less surface damage, traffic suhsiii-teee utility Engineering," seivites fDl’ the excavatox.

ell.-iuptiuii uneliinpnettu.-uitiee every $1 spenlnnsubsurfaceutility . . . .

activities Mo.-iuiilitiesesii he quickly engineering (SUE) can result in $4.62 in f"“"“'“'°"d"“”5 “"5" ‘he ‘f“““'5"
and efficlsnlly uncuvsred Evznsmallel, cost-savings. ' ‘* “‘°'“ ““ "gm °‘““."‘”“ fsffh
moretomplnx utilities-sueh asfib2r- . "“““"‘ °.‘““"“ ‘“.‘ ““‘.“P"‘°“ .“

_ Some have saiil that the vacuum site, cleaning up diieetiuiiel bonng
°"““1‘““"““““b"‘“““"°'°‘““d eXCa\'1lOl’\'i”Is‘nOtl1ln mnre than diillsitesuiwuikin ustaheaelal
with pteeision, resulting in reduced nsle h. 11‘ I ‘h 1 BE; ‘Dd , Lh ’ H 3' _. H‘
umamflgm fl ig eus . uve. u iii nys eexcavn enetewexpssing e

weilel, the cost ui a utility damage can underground utilities.
Loeutingutiliiiesvisvncuuni ezwilybzcxceededby theeostetthe P 1 . H‘ d d
zxcnvatloncan also tesultin unititself.sevetultypesotvacuum .’;’1“"jr'nY:t"‘lF"‘?‘_".3 “I”
suhstaiitisilmstsaviiigs.l-umlue exesvntois are available, ineludiiiga ‘“f"‘_ _;“:‘“}f°’“L;‘| "”_t°
univeisitysDepamneiitutlauileling lrallered unillhatcanbelowzd behind ° '‘“;°‘‘:' “ P???‘ E?“
Conslructiun Msiiiugenientpuhlisheel alruckaskld-mountnd unit thntennhe ““P‘; 3“ _‘“:l‘“_‘ “:l““‘:l“}“"“’
nstuilyelemilinghowhestpteetiees mountedtoatxuckoratzackedvehlcls °’“""’Y‘“”‘f".‘ ”‘ Y” "‘ °"‘°
. . . . _ to than tsiinilies at the end uf each
iii zxcnvatlon, inelueliiig Vatuum for use in the plpElmE |ndu~t!y.
lungworkday. Q;
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