Page 14 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 14

loaukiiwm .
Board Profiles
My name is Roberl Borne. 1 amended Louisiana sme University anal
laler eampleled studies in drafting leelinology ar Louisiana Teelinieal

college in Baum Rouge. 1 also served inux years as a reserve depury ior East
laaron lzouge rarisli slienirs oiiiee. lbegan my naniral gas industry career
in 1976 vviili Ciuli siales uliliues, now Eniergy, and liave lield a vaiiery of
posiuons during my years uulli rlie two eompames. As Engineering
supervisor ior Gulf States ualilies, l pariieipaled on a slaiewide eomminee Lliai
erealed LA Act 927, die original Louisiana underground Damage Preventlnn
Law. 1 eurrenlly liold ilie posiuon of Manager, cas saiely and Cnmplmnm
and represeni Enlergy Louisiana and Enlergy New orleans gas and eleelne
businesses on rlie LA one call board. 1 am also a board member of Llie LA cas
Assoeiauon and rlie LA clean Fuels coaliuon. .

My name is cliarles Nelson and 1 am a as year employee ofColonial Pipeline e '

company liaving lield several posilians over llie years including that —- _

ui Disrriel Riglir or way Manager. Tlial posiuon, with ils damage prevenrion ’

ncmuntnblllfizs, iirsi afforded rne Llie oppnrtumty lo ioin (112 Louisiana 811

Board in zuoz. sinee rlnal time irs been my lionar tn serve as Board seeremry —

S: Treasurer, vioe cliairman and for 5 years, as ils cliairman. 1 am eurrenuy

coloniars senior Field Proieei Manager responsible for iaeiliry intzgnty and . .

reliability eiiorls llirouglioui Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi 1 provide supporl "

to operalions Managers anal Teelinieians to eomplele facility inlegnry and

mliabllity eiiorLs lam Llie owner of several 2017 can goals mlaled ro iaeiliiy

spill preveniion. Tliose include among oiliers developing a pm]2cI to address ran

pump proieelions, umt valve srem seal anal check valve son good mplacement, I

and eomplenon ui ilie secondary sump alarm proieel. . ,
My name is Dewey vidrine. 1 am a Construcliun Manager with Buaxdwnlk

Pipeline rarmers anal have been in die Naniral Gas Pipeline Industry ior 37

years. l have served in operarions and langineering/canslruelion in various roles
Lliraugliaul my eareer. The construction aelivilies Lliail lnelp manage now, mks
plaee Llirouglioul several states ineluding Llie oirsliore culi uf Mzxlm.
lliave served on rlie LA one call Board in various eapaeiues smte1996 and
eurrenlly serve on several Board commiiiees Fellow board members, our slaii,
iamily and inenrls are daily reminders that our damage preveniion eiiorLs are
imporlanl ior everyone in Louisiana.
As a pan or die Boardwalk team, we are eommilled tu operaung pipeline assels
in a saie, reliable and eompliani manner wliile providing rlie liigliesl level of
euslomer serviee As a fanllty owner, exravaior and serviee provider, we value
our parmorsliip working Wllh LA owe CALL and die othez 1000-plu~ members
in are prevenuon of damages and publie saiely orioris. .

12 . Loulslzml:E11 2017 Issue]

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