Page 11 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 11

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I wc,.,m, has ,,,.,muy Aher hearing ofV1c's ~clv:cIion Louhiana and wuuld often e.een men.
hm. named um ,m,,.E... Loumana reeh Umvexsny pmudnnl, around to all of our un1v£r~'1lma .9 our
of the 2013 MW Valuablc Dr. Lee Cmcn commented, [flzsl met atudcnls could 1enrn from nalmnal
p,o;m,o,m, AWN, immly V|c Wesmn about 30 yenrsngn, when expem. V|c haa al~o been a strong
,.,,,,,o,md by 1}“: u,.dc,g,.,.,..d he organlznd mgular rneenng. between aupportzr for rnnevnhnn. Lhal our
C,,,,,.,,m,m Tmhnology A,,,,c,m,,,, the con~txucuon mdu~txy and hxghnr In~|Ituuon~ could bnng Io Luuwlnna .
mg“) and Undugmund c,,,,,.m,m,,,, education 1ene1er.. Tlmsn rneeung construcuon |ndu~tzy, ~ucl\ n.- the
,,.,,ga,.m were .9 help higher ednennnn align mppon Lhal he helped .-eenre fox the
our studnnl/workforce dnvzlopmcnt Trenehles. Technology Center

The award ml! be vmenled at-1 awcial actwmna with the needs of the rnehnnry. V d m _ . d _ Yd‘
luncheon In rnnnrnenon wnh Lhe ucm mm mmngs Wm mo,..bm5C.,11 ,0 I an E mndmchon m min at
ahvw on Tuv~'da>v January 30/ a1 tht me and ulhnr higher ednennon leaders “‘ ‘M’ "W" 5°“ ’°‘° "‘°““" ‘°‘
Em“. N M.,,.a1cu,,m..,m gem, m as W gmmd gmm mm. and rnrhnny/eenaenne collaborations and
New Drlcm-~  the alrong support Lhat could be ;'{P;§;::j‘;§;:§O'ff';§j§:l
Presmhns ‘he “WW1 will ht "“""d““‘ {gr all that he he. Liane Io heipinr

Dr Tom Min)» pwimm of will we Weston wai alwaya at the center of enhre slain,”

ms-nee!-ns and wnsimclwn .he.e ehsemsaen. and he was‘ always F d i Y}. kn ‘V W _
msmcmns mchnvlngy and director hrnh enernnegrng and challenging n. " “M " “‘ “ ° °‘“ '“ °"°“'
of the Trenchlnas Terhnolvgy Center a‘ lo eehreve hrgher levels vrr plavcd W“ ‘”“““ ‘ "“'P"’°d “‘ “" ‘° '°“’“
Lou-Sim-a Tech Un-vcmm a major leadexshp role m genernnng ‘hm “°'° 52"“ ‘°‘“‘““‘ ‘° '““°“’““‘

. ,, rnruhom of dullah of condrucuon ”““‘°’$“’“““ C°""‘“““"‘ T°°“‘“"°5Y

DI 156163’ wide On behalf nfihr ’ ’ A»0n.1t|nn’~ 2018 MVP award. He's
corutzucuon mdu~tzy, especially higher -I-dually aupvort for our mmrucuon mmvcd Du, Votz fax a long mm,
cducauon in Lumsmna, and of eenr.e vduchhon P“?$”"‘>: ~vm=Ih-us that

mpcmuy ,_0,,,,.,am 1-ed, U,,,m..,ty has plnyea a rnenn mlc rn mrmamng Congmtulauons Vic, yub well done! Q
and ms T1-Q {WW}, (0,1a,.3 you our unpncte nenm the atale and nauon.

again for bung aulectnd for Lhe 2012 Vm helped bmg mm, “mm,

MVP Award» Thu aw-W1 mmsnlm th= construction rnehmry .penher.- 10

Impact n» your conlnbuuom hnve

had on m.1nylIvL‘~"

2017 new Lnmsmru 911 . 9

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