Page 10 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 10

B rent’s
@ e you ever wender hew you falls fmm yeur cempany whe want
can become edueated aheut te attend, there is a minimal charge
sate exeavatien practices impesed (usually $15-$17) just to
witheut being taken away cover the test ot the teod. Better yet, in
trem making money and/ er testing a some areas, the program is tetally tree
loll ot mufn2y7 well, wedhag the perteet rzgnrjliss et holwmmany 2mpllloy:eI.(~'EE'
so utien or yeu, anen a igger's atten . ou rea at correct y — .
Night out programt Diggers Night Needless to say, compared te the cost et
Oudl has biefigumfindhioz many glzjrs a mislakzmsdz while excavating yciu
an most e s w o ave atten e past cannot a er to miss a pregram su
pregrams are eager te attend the next. as this.
They are zducariunnl, intermative and YB“ "ugh ask “How can “be ‘M
““‘°"“‘“‘“3‘ ter me te attendl" The answer is quite
it you have never heard ot these simple 7 sponsors: Endl pregram is
events, they are designed to educate sponsored by satety-minded companies
these falls who actually perterm who want te help premete damage
excavation activity. It is important prevention etterts Mest sponsors
te you as an excavator and to your exhibit at these events and, in most
2 company's produetivity that you're cases, have promotional items to share
tully aware ot the risks invelved in prior te the start of the program.
an excavation ro eat, no matter the , . .
0 size DlggEr's NFi‘gh]t out is hasieally a if“ _‘’E E“::““h§’l““’ ““f‘t‘l:‘““‘¥‘3“’d‘“5
U safety-onenled event set in a casual, "’ “’°’ W e “E” 2" V‘ . ,
, . _ _ _ aecomplished my goal. These Digger s
social setting tor telks suoh as tence
—' huilders landscapers tarmers utility N‘3l“ °‘“ V’°3”‘"“' 3” “"’“““ “/2
Q _| mflimn'am/mmlmginn Pegsnmel te 3 hours in length and held annually
’ * Monroe Lake charles Latayette
< and road builders to name a few. gm“ Rouge and NEW drlzani '
U The typieal tormat et these programs This year, they've been expanded te
1]; will teature a guest speaker who cover areas such as shreveport and
. Z delivers a message aheut the Mandeville. Event dates and locatieris
importance of damage preventien can he teund in this magazine and en
0 when excavating. Additionally, the Louisiana one call website under
< intormative exeavatien satety videos the "Event Calendar” tah. There, you
are usually shewn and the programs will tind intormatien en lucntinn, date,
-I will include drawings fur numerous venue and hew te register.
door tires with a and rire drawin . . . .
at thepclnsz er the pglzgranli. Tn turther E 5”’ “ Y“ ‘"2 ‘“‘°’°’'‘°‘‘ ‘“ ‘“"‘d‘“3
. . . a satety-orientated event in the tuture
entiee attendance, a delicious meal is h b d f H k
served. it that i.~.n’tenuugl1, the hrst “’ *3". Y Y“ 3“ Y°‘" 2 "W W” F“
_ can eniey great teod, hear a tantastic
tew employees trom each eompany i _ _ d h Lh .
4 attend tor tree and it you have multiple 5“ “V '“°"’“5“ 3“ “W °
a . Loulslarlll an 2017, Issue a

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