Page 27 - Louisiana 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 27

- Physical rnake-up of the line Troubleshooting problem locates takes patience. with so much at stake, a best
. . guess mark on the ground is unacceptable, especially in congcsterl utility
- Proximity of splices, tees or turns _ h . b k h d . I
dzpmdmg on Symm corridors. Bin? lucators wuo paint a ig question mar on t e groun or pain
the worrls hanrl dig only on the ground are not helping anyone These types
- Location of top side access pointlsl of declaration marks contuse excavators anrl also cause them to lose taith in
to underground target line the entire call betore you dig process. lt you have a difficult locate at hand, you
should own it. Notify the excavator of the un-detectable line or dlfficull situation

R“5°" and get them involverl anrl ask if they can help solve the puzzle. Damage

11,2 you, dEduc‘|‘/E and ;..ducm,g prevention is a shared responsibility and otten takes teamwork. be a good
mmmng,_ damage prevention partner and ask for help when you need it. .

- keep in mind that there might be

mwmi digmm mum ,9, the P,oi,i,3,,, Hob lviyrisitioager )5 mt rirsirlriit and cm oflltmty riaiiimg Acadtltly. Bob has mi 23 yerlrs Alf
W, m ,3XPe,,mdng and mm; eriimtiit-t Ill thefitlilofutllity tocalmg mid rlamaye biraeiiucm Fm queshous or t-ommriits, Hot;
POS~<‘b1E ..,,iu,,om ,9, each Fumble can he rcat-lied at bt7bL40llta5tmrt'h.mrtl.

cause. Take action by using the process

orelirnination, beginning with the most

logical corrective action or adiustrnent

to overcome the most logical cause of

the problem. After taking corrective ‘_

actions you should compare results A

to see if you fixed the problem. Don't ‘v';‘i_. . 7 .2 _ ‘ii.

ovcrthink it: start with the simple —; -
checks anrl equipment adiustments anrl V L, l ' \i} ,

go tiom there, elirninating one possible . ~ — _ : —\-. v_i 7

cause ata time until a solution is found _ ' - — ’ ‘
- consider site conditions such ~' in _
as conrluctivity of your line and .

the conductivity at the soil, visual * pk . . _

indications or clues of other buried . ' j», _’ l

line. in the area that may or may not be ' e c———

_ ;:[‘f.":'..‘.Jg."K .:,>t5, l r\*
Ifyouhavea    r=%
cl/ff/cu/t locate
a t h a n d . o u


filming mmmm bond with mm mm A compliment to our Subsurtacetltlllty _Loc_atlng services, we
in the mi and my [opmie mmmc also otter mapping of marked utllltles vla LlDAR scanning
obiects. "these site factors may interiere and photography from a truck, ATV or drone.

with the stren tli and/or sha e ot our . .

locatable ~'lgn§ll'12Id on youxliargefilne. “DAR 5C°|'|5 and Ph°'°9|'°PhY C0" Pmvldei

I - Horizontal and vertical mapping to a tenth of a toot

- consider the size and type of line _ f ‘ .. f K d W 1 '.

yw an Wing ‘D find] mdudmg the Accura e oca lOl’lS o mar e u I I y oca lOl’lS

construction characteristic, type of line - Other visible utilities in immediate vicinity

and depth B‘ 1|"? a"d1“hCl="B=l1“'E '5 - Height clearances for overhead electric and telephone
physically attached to another line at a _ V. .b} h . f m . '

common Pam lSI e encroac men s o o er improvemen s

Take Action - Vegetation conditions and over growth concerns

- KMZ location files of all visible site features

start with the most likely cause and

proceed trom there using the process .'

otelirnination Don't overlook the   LLC

obvious. Take action by making I‘ ‘ A _ , _ < _ _ _ L

adjustments and trying again to see it

yum Pmbkm '5 Solved‘

rt: : 1: - *5 taut an Pciu ;i-:— L»'« ‘gall l‘:'il

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