Page 29 - Louisiana 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 29

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 pronunenl location in the workplace or . Make ,.ag.3.y’ an ;.,,,,.,,m.. Pan D‘;

gwen to each zmpluyee your cumpany s culture and every yola.
lntorrnal hearings may result In mvlsed U E Lh N E C _
citations and reduced penalties. ‘hP"‘;; ’999‘P‘ ‘’ I E‘ ‘$99 ‘’ n°“‘9“: ' Pmvefly tum all P9'='°““91»
Haweyer contractors and unhues 9 9 ‘5 SW9“ ° 9 9"!“ “"9 U. L}, » .

I S f d H M‘ RE C H _ - se e appropnale satety
should dearly understand that If they T:‘:'CyD“n‘:mE:_:n H m‘1":1‘;'lE :':;';::‘°" equipment and cans-truetron techniques
agree to settle the case, they iorfell 3 m not agwmtled w“hl:)SHA O! ,0, New mp
the right to contest the catauon and E Y *

Proposed Pmlm mg mmmn M“ the tederal Department of Lnbur, and ll . 1; you are .,mm;,, “bum haw .0
Elsa bg Placed on “W cunmdops will assign the case to an Adrntnrstraave handle a da,,gm.,5 _,-jtuflfiuny mp the
OSHA mom, and Could be used as “,2 '1-_}a‘w I-Edge whu WEI ishedlfie H h93"“E- help ui nthezs whu are mare famlllaz
basis for a repeat violation, li a surular 1 9 i“ :39 "‘“Yl“P "i dr1"‘“t ‘gt °' with PY°P9Y safety PY“C9d“Y95-

eurunaean Iemu ena unur

;:l‘::°" ‘S med w"h'" " 'hm'ym penalty the eyrnployer has l-Jlallznged.  “Fin_n11yr If yw }“‘f9 a PY°b19lY“

' onee the judge has ruled, any party to 0 Owms an “‘>P9Cf“°“: mm“ I a
laeeause ui the seventy oi m]unEs and the ease may request a further review 3°00‘ ?“°"‘9Y Whu H Exvemnmd In
lrequeney of deaths, rlznrlung and by the Renew Commission Rulings of handling OSHA miners .
confined space cataaons OSHA usually the curnnusslon may be appealed to the
elassraes them as ”s2nous." Repeat apprupnale us. Cuurl of Appeals. _
vlolntluns almost always result In more _ U H 7 David DDW 15 urfvnmizr 0/Trmhsn/My
severe penalties. Clmllons can even he W"“ " ‘ 5'3“ "9" 5""'9- and Supply — WW W" Hf Hmivrsmlmd
elassraed as ”wllliul/tnmmal," and 1-w,3,,(y.,t,‘,E mm and puma Rm, safety £_am',ameal, LLC — sapplars
ennunal dmzges can he filed against a ,d,,,m,5[e, mm mm, may and had, eraaualtaa safrty pradasts and serum
m,,,m.,,, 0, ,mmy_ Pmgmms’ and we mfemd m as uS‘a(e to construction, excavation, and tmltty

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NW.” of Cmm _ Anytime Wm“ 15 Plan states These states must adopt ‘°_”'V‘""95 W I sflm 1' 195 In "W5
standards and entorce utrernents that 0% Man 1-rvfnyeflzr C01 a Memvlvs Md
Wurk-"ls days aim mmlvt of C-muons ’ ’ mm ’ Nasltalllr Term.’ Narth Little Rock Ark
and propased penalues, the contraetar 9'9 9‘ 1995‘ 9’ 5‘"“E9“‘ "5 9 ‘9“9'“‘ 5 1, ,_ k C H, , ,, S A t
requirements Must of these states have A H I try, a 1, an an n am,
has the right to ale a Nance of Contest.
A M‘ N ‘C _ surular Inspechcln pzonedums ID tederal Tm Hndvlsmflmi Safrfy Emvlwrem
wvy 0 E MICE 0 or-‘Est must OSHA praatars 511125, rrnlal saatprarnl, rcpnir
be SW9“ I0 '1“ emvloyeis mnl-or-mi ' sewage, and safely Inziluug. Visit‘
rEl>rEs2ntnt|ve- If an employee For a caud outuune . . .B2 pmsachve ,,,W,T,,_,,,,;.5,;z,y mm W wulw
bzlxgalnmg unn does not exist, a cnpy and keep aendenls from uccurnng n. L1,,,,,E,S,‘,,,,,,,5,1,,,y_m,,,
of the nouee must be posted in a ‘hg 5,... p1m_H.,,,,7
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