Page 25 - Louisiana 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 25

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 rag; .;; 7:; I; ta... —‘-~,,-  ,'—  ,  umpmvtrt ccv, wt pm R ym ('IIui‘a,;:Iuru>,IJIInI>,
_;— ,_ ,4 ‘I 1% ._fi-“'6  iv ‘ , / 6.‘ , nIIt1III:1uI4rTIuII;; YBI47b1IuI1I1IIJh(be:rIrI),t AIJIIY¢‘H?UN)I7t‘Y,EUIY)HWH‘
* ‘ ' fvvivfrayflvl pmr>§mI)IlIsII)uII( L'pllYfU _1/IIYIYrHlflUyL’L’s£nHt'll>L’()8
frmwvt amlbtlp mate mepmcca. M.9:YI)mIH) 1:5 ., pLJ~sIbI£
Haw“, Hm“, o5H“,,§P,di,,M aIInw «he oiiicei to tour you! jobans by 3 A» aehow of good znith, >
I I hiimeIi/ heneu. Immediately shut down machinery or

Imt I-ke you, OSHA Comp!-ance equipment that «he Officer aays doza
O“,m,.hm,”,Oi,,D (in may - Anawezallquzsuonstluthfully mlm2ElOsHA3mndmm
apprecialecommun cuurlesy, and they gutt1;>ht>:(YDluhtee!ahyI3ft>rmat¥‘>ni,e Cl . C f

mpmd i'1‘*‘pOSiuvE mm“, when voi ma mgalaI£|1I2nIa atmig t using an uenee

they see a at-eere mmmthheht te °‘’“”‘’“‘“‘ “° “" “d‘“""‘°“ °‘ 3""? 3"“ In most cases, once «he Inspecllnn i..-
may. p.,u.,wmg W H [M ,,,,. do not speculate as to how an accident mmplmd’ ‘he Compliance Om“

that may Pmve helpful In handling an °“‘"‘““‘ wiII ht-Ild a brief Cloimg Confznzncs.
ihsveetivn - Explain Items «ha« «he coinpIi.ince The Offinel will review «he alleged

. c,,.,,,em,..y gm, the compliance Officrsr dues‘ nn« understand DI’ vioIa«ion.- with you. You ..-hniitd lake
mm, and immdm y,,mE,f‘ ini.intenne«..-, but do nut argue. wzIlleninot2;‘~'u that you ca: Inform

youraaety Izzctnrorcooz malnr

' Re-Iuestand examine the offiterk ' The C°"‘P““"“° O“‘“’=”‘"" of the rE.~‘|Xl(S occa.ionaIIy, a Closing
cmdentIal~‘, and a.Ic «he staple and cuniemnm Wm be Postpomd uni.‘
ream fer the vmt Aak what Iehs-te - the coinpIianee Office! dwcuases «he
mcordsIh20ificerwantsIomview l)n IIHI f.‘]\(‘ lhv ingpmiun WM, i.,,/h2,,.,pE,iD,..,
Detennine which workers and ‘ . . .. _ _

company off-Iciala the Officez want. In I I > I I I I II I :1 I MI I ) I I I I «I I‘ Emvlexefi "W5 Mew"-E en OSHA
in«eiview. , Inspectw-I

_ “you haw any mmnmusped I l H‘ .l( I (‘xx In ) ml 1 InfovvnnIHenviiigs — EinpIoye«..- have

tha« «he Cumpllzlnceflfficeris not I , ‘ I I N U , the fight te ahthformal hearmg mth
kgmmm’GHYOMOSHAAM Um“ I (N lllllt II \ Hl.l_._( . «he OSHAAI'2aIDImCIorfolluwIng

and verify hli/1'12!’ Cr2d2ntIaI~' Ieeetft at aT§tatltlDn aéati PT’P°59d

penane.-. ea ege vio atIon~‘,
' Explain tn the Cemplim-re Officer anv penaItie.-, and /51’ aba«einent
that ye“! e°mIrany'» poliey regnmhng P‘°"“"'Y ‘"““ “°‘°" P}‘°‘°°' "‘d°""' ieq'ui«einent.- can be dhcusszd. The
OSHA inapedieha requitei that you “mi ’“f“"f“’“".‘“."_‘°‘ Y"“d°.l:l°“1;‘ d° the OSHA Area DIIECIDY has the aulhnrity
immediately eontactywrmninoffice °“"“ “ “°"“‘“.“$°° ‘ *3“. °‘Y°“ Ioenlez Inloasettlsmenl agreement
You! eoinpanys anfety diiec«oi or ‘E “*9 ‘““":il’:fFf"“‘“"*’ °’l V_“‘“°” “°"‘ that could revise the citntiun and/Dz
eoordinatvr-my vtjant tn he preaent ‘ ““"“ ““ ‘ “"“ ""5 °“' penaI«y. In inostca.-e.-, «he OS!-IAAz2a
ehmns the Inspect-on, In which case - Do not give «he cninpIianee Offimr Dueclol wiII ~'}IDw «he company «he
ye“ may requeat that the nffiter watt hee acczas to yuur doeuinen« storage evidence, Including pictures or video.-
until he/ she arrives Piovide onIy tho.-e documents «he Reviewing the evidenee may heIp
. 1; ‘hg OSHA c,,,,,P,,m€ Omm M5 Officer .-peciiieaIIy ceqiie.t.- And mnkn the company make a mute Infunnzd

3 “mm, M WW “Pm Pwmdmg a photocopy Dfench document before decmon rzgnrdlng .e«tIeinen« of «he
with the Inspection bzfore yuur ..-are«y tummg them ever we-

dImcIoI’/Eourdlnnlor iIrrIve.s, yau . Make a i;,tc.;E,,.,,1.,,,m.. me °°NTW“ED 9“ "GE 27
ahuuld accompany the oiiicev. Do not cnmpitam owe, ,,,.m,;.3.,,5_

2017, Issue 1 Luurstanx 511 . 2:

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