Page 24 - Louisiana 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 24

mg Eyfinbfligmwunger  
Locating Lines from a Horizontal Perspective
've been locanns hneslot25 years wheni heid my signai receivercurrectiy, — t , — —
at lessons teamed Item the same! horizontal plane, the guidance system of ea 1*?’ d ~s;,: "
at had knocks. w-an 1-me training the receiver led me up the nu lo the true ., «:e .,=;« .

to fall back on when l was turned horizontal centeriine oi the signal neid. -'  , wt  W \_ _ :
ioese with a nst full of locates i found him nomad H ghaiiowt, depth ,Ead,..g

myself torceol Into a "learn ae you from the bad nngie when cuinpnred to

go" envireninent whiie being handed the hoxlzonlal CE,.,E,i.,.e. i 4

inore work than i could do. i iearned ‘ ' '

my qmckiy gm, the maxk‘ Pm on ,1“ it is an awumed fact, accoxding lo

gmmd was an Edmwd gum and "mi science, that the horizontal centeriine u[

a lot to ienrn i look every chnnce icniiid a detectable 5lE“"l heloli In theory alao

,0 mg up 0,, gm “him and ma gm}, represents the hnriznntai centeriine of "Wm, 7

locatur instrucnun manual 1 cuuid get the etnoleyefoetnol Eme or cable beta? {e'}1@xi.':aiclt.«>.Llt_il.o _ti"~'nI - —
my hands an. i took every iine damage matleeol l to as W yr accotdlns to e we V,,,\..«- ——
nrcinse can to henrt nnd inade surei maionty of state laws, the "tolerance i . :3   It ‘- 

cleaxly undexsloud where iwent wrung zone la the Pl“5°““l““‘ destee oi J7 ‘a""‘_~‘ ’

and used it ns a chance to grow. accutacydoi ‘°€3t:‘E matle lwhlch -gm gr ;/ .» .

measure n ung n onzunla p arie in a  - -

Around yenr numher three of my career, the teinpurnry inark on the siirtace. I

iwas Involved in a dninnge lo a 5:: pair V g V p ‘
telephone cabie hiiried deep into the One of the many Polnta l "Y to make l 7  , .
may Slope of 3 ML Ammng ,0 ,1“ during iine iucntnr trnining classes I5

tape inensure, my mink wns outside the that lme locat-ni; eqmpment does not

tniernnee zone The tape was stretched locate Plioea ot oalolea but ls actually

along aherizuntni pinne to measuxe the deslsneol to locate and P-npnlnt the _T , ,_,,m _g M, ,
distnnce troiri my marking nag to the teie dead centet of a alsnal held lt teat-;u;.i.'.ii@;i6gi:Ei.geii3eri
horizontal lop, dead centeriine of the la cmelal that a locatot has the aelte ‘ . 3: .

damaged cable. the bottom iine was d'5“Pl‘“E to helol the bottom of the l. _ t ‘

thnt this dainnge occurred ns a result teee-vet honzontal when i>mi>_o-nnns

of my opemtox errnr whiie using my ahol Plaelns  maltjledtat flas-  :5 njt

g ‘, WM’ h , awayspzmewit eavu enn .

:',',‘§;,,',:f§,'X§;g Lg;  Don't angie nr swing the receiver when

detectabie signni neid, [was hoiding locat|ns- A5 mentloneoli dunni; thls

my mm“, H, H 4“ dEgrEe ang1ElnS(e;‘d incate, i made tiie lmskake ui holding

of a hnriznntni angle whiie moving my tecelvet at aloont a 4" olestee angle

it along the sinpe. when the signni which was the angle of the hell l was

receiver guided me to the centeriine mi ataeglies ant» ‘ghee anizlle Pt“d‘}‘3€Ed a false

een rineu esi a wave ecause . ‘ ._._..,_,,m_  ,

;‘fi,f;if;i;;}‘f,;‘,§“;‘;“;d‘E'§:;::‘f;{;“ i was not locating in in horizontal ‘,~‘—_-  _.'.'t"' t '
PE'sPeCt|vE> perceptiun. Lesson learned. ' ’-  I in’

Arter the repnir, i had a chnnee to hook _ — _' I3.-“—"'

up tn the cnhie to try nnd reennct the izrii Nigiisitptiger IS the president and '

iine iucate whiie the cahie wns stiii 550 ,,f uni,-W -p,,,1,,mX ,.tc,,d?,,,y M r ‘ '1

exposed In the oven reioa-t Plt» l notlced has DZIEI25 yum u/erpeiicvce in titrfieid I

that my mark was "on the money/' a/iitiiity IUEMZIIX rind damage nrciieiiticti

both v-anally and electtomeallyr when put niiesiiaiis U1 L‘UIrlmEI(i‘5, iziiii run he

l lookeol at -t item the per»=i>ectn'e of reached at Dob@14 I/1S('{1rl‘h.£‘0m.

the 4:: degree nngie ur sinpe of the hiii.

22 . LOMISHIIIE one Call 2016, Issue A

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