Page 25 - Louisiana 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 25

_ Industry experts otter
education on best practices.
damage prevention and
improving puhuc sotety
through sessions ond surnrnsts
that oddress your concerns.

    1n 201 o, 1nternat1or1a| attendees made up 10% at centerence
QLQBAL DAMAGE Ayomm; purt1cipants.Jo1r1 speakers tron. around the world tor a
 D O S ‘ U /\/t gtapai perspective on the cancernsand initiatives at the
darnage prever1t1on1ndustry.

Be the solution. Best Practices & Global Perspectives. —
Accordmg to 2015 mm data, 30% at reported damage
events occurred on natural gas utilmes. Listen to subject

8 V f\/\ D O S ‘ U /\/\ matter experts as they address the current state otthe a1
and gas industry inctuding intorrnation on darnage
prever1!1on,ptJb|1c awareness and more.

wmzn B. s:w:n1N:nAsTDtJCTura: Accordmg to 2015 DVRT data, 27% of damages to

@ p Q QT ECT | Q N buried infrastructure 1n the us. and cmie .neue.i
water/sewer—re1ated work. Join industry experts as they

5 V M D O S | U M   trends .n the water and sewer industry.

Be the solution. Prevent water Loss & overflow. T
,Nr E R N AND N A L Loom N6 According to 2015 DVRT data, on average, an underground
 uti|ity\ir1e1s darnaged every two rnnutes.1ncidenta1darnage

to underground utilihes occurs rnere than 317,o00tirnes in

S Y [\/\ D O S \ U /\/\ the us. annua11y.1h.s syrnpasiurn addresses the importance
or 1acat1ng and how it impacts the industry.

Be the solution. Your Marks Matter. T
According to 2015 mm data, 53% at the known serwce

— 1 1 Cr 1 — interruphons came from damages to tetecomrnunication

 D  1 U [\/\ uttlmes. Listen to industry experts address the needsand
interests atthe telecommunications industry.

I-leldin aaniunctian with- 4‘ ,, , y ‘
Cm    Use code LA811 when registering to receive a FREE
1 . .
mm“ CGA 61 1 Excavation satety conference & Expo t-shirt
ԤEh-rm 0 R |_ D 0 while supplies last.
CGA an Excavation safety Conference & Expo is awnedand produced by infrastructure Resourcas, LLC

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