Page 22 - Louisiana 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 22

It Takes a  B
5 Chuck Esur
How 811 was formed and where it can go fromge. gEgy;pc;;r:fvgg§g;ss
vnvvm-on-11 whdvm ~ay»~ R mtss uttltty bustnesses lot ptaetteally coming tn — FTTH, FTTI’, FTTB,
mkv 21 day}: to bmflk 6 ham nothing. DSL and so on. More thatt any other
Howcvcr, w en tt eomes to . \ . .
pumngdamagc You cant B1eakThe Rules rrrme :fujf;=§;1;:§rjj;§;,‘;*:njj“*d *° '1“

praettees tnto plaee, the saytng ‘'01:! Are N one

habtts are hard to break” has never held N “M Wm In mm ‘hm WM "0 Now the fun part ts that many states
more true. mqmmmum or ‘_m;m~ um Wd If i"35[u|r§ a twoftoozsepatatton bettéteen
c,,,.,.dc, .1“, ,. was Mm, 2005 you're a eompany wtth burted taetltttes, ‘“;ju 5;’  at so
when the untterl states Federal here are the gxmlnd rules you have to :3,‘ in’ , Wm an WW1” “f,‘h‘;,‘_ b;_m
conrmunleattons commtsston made fulluw. lnstead, eaeh state more or less hm “i V Cabin m the Emund flu
an the untvetsal nuntber tor the came up w-th the" own mks In some take R my; mund and mm )',,,ut,c
71 regtonal serytees that eootdtnate states there was more than one set of dmlmg mm A mu how Ym‘ tan,‘ go
loeatton tssues lot underground pubhe rules, dcpcndmg on the turtsrltetton am PM W Cum“, ;u‘W1m H W“
ulIlIl|L‘~.Yr:lstlIltudt1y, more than a you found yo-"W In» The result la “-6! oPm,,a ya“ go mp

deeade later, a utthty ltne ts damaged some states were tar more aggressnte ’

eyery ~‘lx nunutes by people digging than others tn mandallng regulattons to The Need for 311

bcfnm they have gum: through proper pmtm I-in hmb and Property» To be a “mm m the W1), 80,.’ you
P“"°‘°“ "‘ ’°‘Y‘"8 "“ ‘"‘P“’P°"3’ That lugatv rematns today Although look a drug test, had your dnvcI’~
plE|CL‘dOl’n1|S~ll’Ig1DEil(Ul’l‘l’IflYki. _1 ‘ 3‘ ‘d , K _ f I h I d d I i I f

ne rave a \ anre awareness o teense p o oeopte an sa tn ron o a

An ., no. 10.. .1.oug1,. C,,,a,. Wham homeowner and uttltty ltne proteetton eonrputer for tour hours to learn abottt
we started and the nnnrense amount to \'r1r_vlng degrees throughout the eonrluettye and tnrluettye eleetrtetty.

of undugmund uttltty tmffic loeators eountry, ~'latn—lo»~'tatc tt's sttll all Th“ an N [mum “MC 0 4‘ In
acalw-«I» lwmaac dlffmm Bmwwokmwvvrv r.w;a.,:,’a.a  how .0
huge strtdes tn where we are tn damage ttnportant (lung: the states wtth more Md a mm if mh’w’éOmtmmn
preyentton and where we're headerl. ttgtrl regttlattons and requtrements “I; map; ax: ummd —On wphmmcd
lt’~ been a hear of a lot longer than 21 l““’" ‘°“’°’ d‘“““5°‘ P”""" eleetronte equtpntent and shadow
days and wc'm sttll battling some old Underground Traffic Izm people tn the helrl betore bclng turned
habtts, but tom the as we takc a look at B ‘f V out on thetr own.

e ore we get tnto how on speetheally

“’1‘““ “T "‘““““ ““d ‘‘‘‘“b’‘‘‘‘‘ l“’‘”’ “" eame about, lr:t’~ step back and take These are all good thtngs. lzeeanse

“T V“ °°"‘° a blId's eye ytew, tl you wtll, ol the 500-lb gunlla tn the room ts that
Hey There, Ma sell what’~ happening below ground My eonrpltanee wtth laws, salety anrl

prolesstonal assessment or what's regulattons ts borne by loeatots and

‘3°‘‘’‘“ W‘ ‘W ‘Y"‘“"‘ “""“‘*“‘ "“° lmppcmng undcxgmund~and I know ereauatots. uttltty owners are tn a
mulhplc faction» It Wm‘ ‘M Ph°“° mv eolleagnes aetoss the natton wtll eontpettttve bustness and louklng to
“°'“P"“Y ‘‘’*'° “’°‘‘ '°’P°"""""‘>' ‘M sttpport nre tn thts ~'lanCc—|s that kcup hearl eount low They're mlymg on
“‘““"‘3""$ ““d°'8‘°“"“ ““‘"'°"> thtngs are a mess down there. the tront ltne eontraetors to do whalk
"'*‘"v W" W‘ '“"““"‘°°‘ ‘"“““'“P °‘ r|g}Il—z|ldramt1l|ct1lly redurerl pttees
the Bell system on January 2, lsaasztttto Most every state has an easement and WM‘ M dm“ 0

19 tnrlependent eontpantes wtth loeal that they allow taetltttes tntrt so take ‘ ‘ 5‘ ‘

setvtees, tt was rleetrled to no longer your power, water, sewer, gas, phone, Tlns ts a challenge based on everything
allow the sells to run mtss utrltty cable TV and put all or them tnto that we tust rltsenssed. 1: I'm a loeator, rtn
ttekets. There was apprehenston about easement. Then lakc today's telerom seetng tnulttple ltnes tanuned tnto tlus
a mnflln of tnterest and the eourts proytrlers who have morphed tnto grunt ugh! Ilghteof-\'my and I know rtn gmng
were wary the Baby Bells would start nutnbers—eaeh wanting thetr own to gel stgnal bleed, tneantng an old
Clmrglng or not allow n.vmpL‘l|mr% spaee tn that easement. Every ttnte we pteee of copper from years gone by may
sud. as the rable eotnpantes that were add a player, more sturt goes tnto the eause condutuvlty to tump anrl rause
arrnung on the s'cL‘n0—In. ground The tssue ts that none ot the me to tntsmark the uttltty. or there's a
so hm,‘ Wm happmd Uuhw old snttt ts comlng out gooddehanei that lltnes lttagedloefitt
loeatton was taken out of the olrl Let's thtnk about that. If a ltne goes bad “"‘ W “P ““ “°“ " ”"‘
monopoly's hands. The Baby Bulls or ts dtseonttnued, It's rarely retnoyed. VVl\al’~ the fix?

ousterl people tn thetr eonrpantes It stays there and the owner snnply M] T0 The Rm“

who had been responstble fur tmss puts a newer ltne tn otter tt or parallel

uttltty ttrkets, trequently handing over to tt. so now we've gal both active and Lc{’~ be upfront and adnut 811 ts not
thetr office equtpment and allowing dorntant ltnes tn the ground. we've the cndeall, beeall fix But ttls a heek
these tndnudnals to start thetr own also got a plethora ol new tcchnulugy at ,, gggd ,..a,t_ Aggoydjng to am 2015
20 s Laulslarvs One call 2016 tssu. A

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