Page 8 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 8

MIT N0. 344

21319 Rngulnx SL‘~s|un

SENATE 1311.1. ND 22


Pmfllcd puhuant to Amclc 111, SL‘El|un 2(AJ(4)(b)(t) ul the C1.m~utul|on of Luuhmna


To amend and mcnact KS. 40:17:19 13(B!(5), 1749 1-1(C)(1)<b)(nt) and (3), and 1749 22,

mlt1l|vc tn undcrgmund uulmca and Iacxlmcs; ta pr0v|dL‘ tot puWL‘r~ and dune. of the
cummhwxoncr tn c1.»n~nn‘t1l|1.»n; to pnmde for tnne extennen. fur eettntn Wurk tn he pemntned; tn
pnmae mlt1l|\'c tn pteetnpttun; to pnmde fur tettntn p!OCCd|IrC~‘, tumw‘, and condmon~, and to
pnmae mt related rnnttet.. Be It enneted by the Lcg|slt1turc of Loumana:

setttnn 1. R5. 40:17-19.13(l3)(5), 1749.1-1(C)(1)(b)(tn) and (3), and 1749.22 nte hen-by nrnended and
nenneted to read t1~full1.»w~:§17-19.13 Excavatxon and dcmol1l|1.»n;pn.»h|bmon~

<5) The excavator DI dcmolhhu .hnn w.nt ntien.-t [arty-L‘|ghl}1ouh‘, bcgmmng at 7:01: a m. on the
next workmg day, xouowtng noufitauon, nn1e..- mutually agmcd upon and ducumcntnd by the
excavator and opuatur I0 cxtcnd Mich tnne, bclorc Commnncmg nny nxcavatxun at dcmulmon
acunty, cxccpl In the case of nn etnetgeney n. dehned In the pn.vvI~Ion~' of lhh Pan at tr miormcd
by the mgmnal noufitallon tentet thnt no opL‘ratL»r~ nte to be m.»l|fiL‘d Hnwevel if nu agreemelll
excavalinn 0! demolilinn acliviu cnuld impacl a pipeline located on at in walu upon mguesl
51749.14. Rcgmnal netnaentton eentet

C (1) Each opcratur of an underground facility 01’ ntthty, nttet hawng mcuvcd the n1.»l|ficam.»n
teqne.t tnnn the regional nutIfict1l|un eentet of an Intent to cxcavatn, shall ntpply, pnox tn the
pmpuacd Excavation, the fullowmg Information tn the pcr~L»n IL‘~p0n~1blL‘ tot the c><ct1vauon:

(b) (tn) when the ntthty O! fauhty upcratur hn. tnntked the lucauon of Ilndcrgxound Iacllmcs

at Ilulmcw‘, the marking .-hnu be dccmcd good n. long n. vh|bln but not lungcr than twenty
ealendnt dayi, lntludmg wcukundi and 1\uI|day~, from the "mark by” mggk-121 tnne. However,
tr the pruposlsd cxcavatxon O! dcmulmon netnnty could Impact n P|pL‘1ll’IL‘1UCil(Ed on 0! Hi water,
the temtntmonet may extend the tnne pcnod alluwcd tot ComplL‘l|L»n cf the cxca\'t1l|on 01’
dcmolmon. An addmonal nnttte to the mgmnal netnaentton eentet ~}1all be gnen by the cxcavatux
at t1e.nnh.het In ntmtdnnee wtth the pmvt.-tun. of tln. Part when the maxks am no longer vmblc

5 . Lomsuua 511 2019 lssue2

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