Page 7 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 7

ACT 344 of 2019 Regular Legislative Session
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< saznhally, the update to the Dig Law provides if the upemlor and excavator
cannot agree to extend the tune and the excavation O! clentnhnon nrlivlty
0 could nnpact a pipehne located an or in water, upnn request by the npecntoz,
Lu the cotnnti.-.innct of Conservation may delay the mazk—by time prior to the
. Z cnnnneneement of any excavation D! dzmnhlion acuvity In order to allow my the
accurate rna!k|ng of such ptpehne

O This amendment to the Dig Law provides that the eommmoner of conservation

< may extend the lime to complete the excavation OI dentohttnn actlvny if such activity
_| could impact a papehne located on O! In water. .

2019.155» 2 Lnmsmnx s11 . 5

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