Page 30 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 30

New Re gulatlons
nyjunn me
n my last artlele (wntten In Installed. when ayatI:m~ designed my hnw een they po~'s|bly enhenee plpzhnn
Isevtembetlr l mentwned vnry low pm~surcs (about 0.5 pflg) am aaicty?
cxplu~'n.»n~ m Maasachuseth From ex and |o mmurc orders of e In 1121' _
the Neuenel Transportation Safety ,,.::n,..,dE 25”“, 50 Pflg), my bid leak lot Al’l Rl’ 11/ 3 Plpellne

Board (NTSB) web me "On September dung. happen. It eppeen that tlu~ may Sam)’ M“"“S°"‘““ 5Y‘‘“"‘’ “’ b“

13, 2013, about-1 p.m uaslexn dayhghl have been what neeunee. ‘“‘°‘l’°”“d by ‘“‘°"““ ”'°"““‘ ‘“'h“
mne, an uvur-pmasure of e Inw- W“ W’!-

Prmure natural gas dtatnbutmn “'3'” 2;“ "‘““§' '“d‘l"‘d“““ ‘“"°";“‘ By the bee you mad Ilus, PHMSA3
ayatnm occurred in the City ofL.1wmncc 1“ e ealgn an Imp ementatmn 0 GM hpdm Admmy Comm“
and the «awn. ofAndovcx and Noah lhe P-Pelme replacement ptaxeet Tlte (GPAC) Wm hm mmplmd mm“
Andovex m Mamachusrslh um N753 Wlll "ft tl-tdush lljem all and ‘hm days of hm“? mgming
xmulled In fires or explo~Ion~' at uvnr so ‘HWY ldgntliy Ind-vtd-ml: wlta were Pmpwd c1m,,8,3, to gas P,pd,,,c .a;e,y
luc.1l|on~'." The |nvcsl|gauon .. ongoing. 5-Hlty of am or anuas-am tl-at mgummm ‘hat mgmmd in Aug“
On November 14, 24:13, NTSB hsund en °°“""’“‘°“‘ n“‘‘‘‘ W“‘‘ ““"‘““’“"' 2011. Mavbe pm. of the final nne
urgent Safety Reeammendatmn Report l’°““'“’ “ml l"°“°d“‘"‘ “““ ‘°“‘d }‘“"“ wxll be pnbh.hee1 in 2019. Sumnllmm
(SW, By ‘hm, mm mmmmm W” and ihould heve been followed Other Pmgm‘ mm A LONG mm

available ”Tl\e system ovcrprcsaum Pn>eedare~ were fallvwed

dflmflgcd 131 ,t,,m,,m, ,,,d,,d,,,g a, Em, mp“ hm cfiam 0 mm Unul next umc, remcmbnr that .1 ..
least five lwme~ tltat were destn-wed enmpnehend enyene.nveh~ee1 wanung "‘“““ hm“ ‘° 1*‘ “ “M” ‘W “““‘“‘

In the my of l-awrente and the town» IhIngal1kI:tlu~tolmppr:n on then ‘}“‘“ ‘° “°‘ ‘l“"“ b° ‘“““‘ ““°“5}"

of Andaver and Nvrtlt At-rlaver Mv-wt watch — no matter their role), very bad 1; aumctlung does not scnm nghl, SAY
cf Lhc damage we. e zcaull of .-nnenne ,h,,,g, happened 0, DD wmcd,mg_, ‘

fires Igmled by gas‘-funlnd applxanccs.

SM”, ,,,,,m,m,. Wm dc,.,my,3d by What doe. .1 en mean? Hnmen. am 1101

natural gm explchlnna. one pnxwn Perle“ We Al-L make mlstakes» M01‘ /em. I/zcabz renmijmm PHMSA.

was killed and at luaat 21 1ne1wm1ueh, ml~tal<e»~ tame llttle ltam-» Wltalevet For qucsflznvzs or m:rmm1I5,crmzII
mcludmg two firefighters, wem "“~lal<e~ were made (and ‘hem “W1 ‘P H/zcobzlvll sbrglalml mt

transported to the lmapxlal. seven oLhex have been many) added up to a ltamble

firefighlezs mcswed mmur Inyurina." outcome-

why dud tlua happen’ How een .-mnhn Tl-e l‘tlT5l3 Wall rarv-tlvalig Sl"ll;\I~'l1“lt»d neriaftl 
evene be prevented m the futum? The Mame lme ntx year» W l en t 1

pllrposeofflucNTSBmvnaugal|un1~tu num»=mu~=umnbu-msanawm g E 3 H15

. , \ , . . mue numr:mu~ rccummsn almna. :  I I I

anavmr Lhuc mo qumuonw NEW PIPE!“ may mgulmmm 2 1 2 H 3 M 5 H 7
In my epmmn, the .-hen amwcr .5 ,,,,11a1,,“,,,mm,n1y bu Pmpmd 9, 9 4 2 5 3 V 1 5 7 3
human etwn Cast "on PlP° waa being and enacted. w.u pxpclmea be any +1’ 3 5 1 5 g 7 4 5 2
replaced wlllt modern, rnllable plum: aafez’ I hope so. TlmlaiIld,1iI}1I: new '5 -

rape» Tl-ere ta ~peealatIv-tn that the regulations are 50 tomplnx that they een 2' 7 5 E ‘ 2 6 ‘ 3 9
exhtlns PYl“>“l”° ~'en~'or~' were left tn be understood Lmly by mdxvxduala with 4° 
Plate on tlte ald pipe and tlte new we ycazs 1.vilram|ng or by the .namaue1.- E 
dld not have stmllat preasate ~enwr> who created Ihcm m |he Hm placn "'

25 . Lomsumusll 2019 lssuel

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