Page 29 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 29

( l§F§l!“llEll“  
,,,,rs§=1t,,;s;-,g§=,, ll § lhxF ll '5 most
Calft get ‘.1 good ground? Now what? “'9”? 55"”?
Lammlg .5 no: all shun grass and pflllfmkllf eonallllllg yau hack to la; you eaa hank lo ll al am dcm5ll'! lzlxl/rlys loeale lake I! says II lull! 17! mo
pool. 59, ll/("DE/Erllltrf an old Iommr who has bon. eallod on mrmy Ilmesfar luln. Ho wl15n’r lllvall/mi In hmlriulg Hwjlrsi laclzlmg dc!/1l‘(', ml ho
pmhrlbly used If me or lnuee lo/me no upgmdodl wo welmmc Srmc solo.» to our fmmlv cjsuhject rlmner oapnle. 1-be smwrs afameles In la.»
a tamln 2311 Mr! lzzmcs an» mrllfm ll/llh Wu, lb.» anm loeam, la mlnd I he da('5l1'f eoen mu’ urstlarl, us! clmmrr hlm mm In hlm 1'95 and
r 3 2 y y 4 1 P
to yolllsneelr-esllllalloa. l klmw}le'll he non» than glad In help yau gr! II Hglvf. pllnllam
nyonc who hag been eable navel lo the end of Lhc eable. II maybe The ,o.nled Ends, allnougn po.-albly
loeanng for any Ilml: wlll lbal you need a devlee lnal has even a lnaulamd, wlll baue .-olne eapaellanee
be quick lo polnl oul a hlghcx frequency lnal you lypleally u~l: .1:n.)~s' lne ,oanl. U~lng low frequency
rew useful lael. lbal laelo to help you on Lhls one. Typical loeale pipe deleellng lechmquna dune nol
lo loeale a eable or plpe. T1129: may leequenelee lend lo be In lne range of gel a good ugnal path bul mlolung
lneluele 51ZHz lo 3ZkHz The.-e bequenele. lo 4B0kHz allows tlm signal lo u.-e Lhc
offer good ugnal lo nmse lucatna where capacllancl: of me jmnt lo lump ovcr Lhc
‘ ""”"Y* "Y “’ “°‘ " "M "‘q“”“°Y good grounding l. present Have you lnsulaled .eellon
. Mm ,.,,a,1,a1.m1,,,.. good eon.-leleleel usmg wmcthlng |n the Awmd uiwamm _ A. We hm
eonnnully range of 4B0kHz for pool’ grounding M“ the N of mg‘ fmqucntm Nd‘
tl . l . ? ’ ' ’ ’
- Make M112 that both ends ale well " " '°"‘ 48UkHz can be benelielal In many
gmundad so why 48UkHz? well lne answer is clrtum~(antes,bul llke all good (lungs
lbal al -I8UkHz lne Mgnfl1Vs'|1l”blCCd tlmm l.- a dnwnsldc. Understanding
- Make owe you make R 3004 Smulld off” Lhe eable due lo Ihl: dlslnbulcd these lunllallon. ean etlll allow (Ill:
=°""““°“ capacllance of lne eable lo ground use! lo appleelale me bcncflts of hlgh
mm m, an good ..,gsa..,W, bu. Tl12m’~ no need lo go lnlo Explanallnna fmqunncy loeale lone.. T112 two lnaln
WC know ,1m,,,L, ,5 not may, ,0 at vl}"}lat lhl~hla,fbuI S|l“1E€L;: lo .ay— duwnsldei ale
‘_‘"‘P‘“ “fir “" '“““"“°/ “'° “W1 [h°_ 'g£‘f°’t‘_ :I'°“‘t’f“°{’ 1 ‘ ‘‘,’fif1‘‘' 1) If Lhezv an’: any ullllllea nlsarby, then:
.ugge.non make auee both end. am eae e cc at aw in e l>~ m N a danger am [hi ablmd 0,, mm
W" 8'°“““‘°d " WW °""‘°“ Wl“ “"g’°"“d‘d “"1" "“°““”" “‘° ean also result In a ’’blend Dn" elleel
nol be grounded al lbe far end (or lne capacltagfe cream aheert of Pseudo so mwné “gm, (“mm umlmg’
beglnnlng fur lnal matter). Applylng smlmel at allows t c allznal to PM 1 1 L}. ’ d h h d
a low frequency slgnal loeale lone In from the conductor Into the gm-mcl  m°‘,f“:::";h:‘1:yng‘,: m“;'u:k
lbeae nrcumalancza ean be lrunlea. and an C°"lP1<‘l¢° thhe c-ecu-I back to the ‘.|gr‘a1Pfl‘h~ 1,.’ egg km d to be gmuu
. \ . l . l-.u 48UkH d * ~ * * ‘
Fl" “*“'“P‘°/ ‘1‘°“ ‘*'=P"°"° MP‘ “’ “ h':1":";'C‘l::l fhgn um‘n'}'1‘:d“ slgnals so careful loeallng leelnnoue.
premme wlll probably nol be grounded, '5 ‘ , an MP to Kimmy ‘ht mm one
pol ended cables lnal have been cable drew»
lenn.naled because they an: no longer T,“ b not the end 0, nm my R. 2) As -he olgnal w-II "blcvd oft" am the
mqulmd ur bncausc they have been lald _,&,kHZ can am bn H mm MP m elnnee lenlgllalol (112 eable, Lhi dlatslncc
|n anllclpauon orbelng u~£dlatr:r.1re dmdmg Dlmmumn p‘Pd“m (In Mgna WI Iran: a ongl eea e
al.., no. lflqgly .9 be gmnndnd, Many of ‘hm wpchm M“ hm or plpe wlll be lee. Lhan that of a low
' . r v - . l. l n ld b d
If Lherc Is no ground, O! the gnaundlng mfulatcd lo-nt~' Th-~ clectncal g   1D[:t‘;“fm
|S pour, maklng a good ground lnaulallon may be a rnaull of eonodlng H always best Whm good gmmds am
eonneellon al the applleallon pomt and lo-nts and mm and belt» or becaum the pmnm .
eneelong for cunlmlllty IS nol golng ~eal-ng mntenal wed tel ltym the PlP=> ’ ‘
to hell, ,,,a,,a,, a, the ., m,W}.m ean Email: an lnaulatnd Ellnel way, 1/ yum lune qH(5l‘1DVI5 m’ rmmtlfttfs nlwuf
sol llae agnal lo travel lo ll Ihcm |S no the Is had new for wmeune Irymg nus m'fltlc ur rtllxfni ILIp1(5, /col frcc la
gmunel al lne far end. we ahoulel uie a to detect the P°>“l°“ of the Plpellne mrmm‘ SIN/C al s!ev('.bmz]e(Itl ommnm.
dlffurent lechmqul: lo gel the signal to Cavacmve effects help here al~e
2019 Issue 1 lonnaaa an . 27

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