Page 30 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 30

Communications by/nhrl /spam
loln a sarely pelspeellve, guod naturally otcuxnng mctlmne from hulh lhe lnlelnel wllh a laundleed eye, but
eonnenunleallons ale enlleal. llvesloele and eulnpusl, oll seeps and 1 ,..ll gs. gwlad on cm,..,.. cm. ,, ha
The "who, what, when, whnm sun spols, and ll should he olavlous lhal gm. mm ,, mu mud. mm,,..,mca.,,,..
and why" of any slnlallun lhal elvlllzallon's cunlnbullun to elllnale .,,dm,s R dnpmdm NC“V5p“‘PE‘fi

eould eause dealh, lnlury, or halell tn C1'1fll’IEI;‘l~‘ lnslgnllleanl. compared to and um ml.,, MW, used ,0 have

lhe envuonmenl ox plupelly ean makr: naturally otcurnng eallses of elllnale c,ad.l,,l,.y, mm day, may all , ml
lhe dlffercnte belween a near lnlss and change, anylhlng lnan has done or 1 do mean ALL , .aem .a me la have

a ealasllophe ls dolng ls, ln lhe aggmgale, far less a .1“. and all appm l,.a,.ad, 11“.

we have an hmd ‘hf MW of an hm slgnllleanl. sald, lhele ls no doubt lhal rhele are
buy who ened wolf. Aher several ialse Does lhal ellean that man should nul ‘}}:"":h“’1“’ ‘“° “b”'°‘““"Y ‘°“"‘““‘d
alal-lns, na une belleved hlln. And lhen do eveeylhlng reasonably posslhle lo ‘If; °:‘“} ’ P:‘“°“" ‘” “"‘ 5”” “‘
one day lhe wulf showed up. The same “ “‘ “ °" “"3 “CL

eould he sald fur Chltknn l.lllle 7 la :_ ‘ l U , , : , , , : . , e_ , , , when .. Coma, .9 mslaly, }..,“,m,,
exeepl lhe sky, as far as l know, never ”' > ~ ‘ A ~ ~ - ‘ ‘ - '1 ‘ ~ « * mo mm}, m,,.,...,...m.,,,n ,. p,,,l,al,ly
felt _ E’ _.~ , js ‘) .s V — ,;r lllslenough. his lnlleh beller lo
Credibility is crucial. ‘ * ‘ * , * ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ “ ‘ ‘ * :3’ somed-Inglafo-It‘; P‘-‘lt°““l“”)'

< . V\ l l. e angeruussl alan anllso

lhappen to bellevelhalellenale change . if , ‘- , . L 11 : _ lelnaln sllenl and waleh an aeeldenl

ls ln fact nccunlng. 1 do not, however, . s happen. The means of eolnlnunleallon
helleve lhal Lhc human Contubullon ; v ,l~ 1 g L  1 \ 1 ' r ; ‘ 2 ; I T , I 2 ‘ 1 and llle uxgcntv depends an llle

lo elllnale change ls ugnlfitant. . . , ,. , speellie elreuellfslanees. You be (lit
conslder lhal a slngle voleanu, l<llallea ~  ; ; V 3 :) ;; Q h 5 3,, a ; ;— _ j ludgg 1“, “P U, you .0 dmda 1-1.,..k
ln Hawall, elnlls ahuul 2,000 lons of ” x ' ; » ‘ about ll To use a football lnelaphur,
lxulallng sulrul dluxlde gas (soz) gas 4. , , l , , y _ L run wllh your head up. But don't run
eaeh day dllnng penuds of sllsaalned ‘~ l '« ‘ ’- sa » « wllh sh,-.a,sl

enlpllon. Tllat does not lnelude E f h ‘ .

olher undeslrable elnlsslons sueh as mlllgatlt pollutlon and global \'\’l1r|'nlng7 ° ‘“ E 0'“ ‘ ‘"-

panleulales and utllcl, passllsly less Ahsolulely lxlorz As new technology Mm [mm mm/W PHMSA
n0X|U|I~blIl~‘UUgrCEn1'1D|I~E‘,gflaEa, heenlnes avmlabll: and eeonoenleally W q“_,5"WWmm,",5 mm

l have no ldea how l<llauea lales ln :easlhle,lls1luuld he applled. Thal, IWm(“,5brgW_, M ’

lenns of ll~ slze as eoellpaled lo olhel however, does not nlean lhal alternative

valeanos and l dl.»n’l know how lnany Inchnolugles should be suhsldlzed al

aellve vuleanus Lhexl: are al any glvcn lhe expense of runher mfimng (pun

lime —L:I1‘lfI}}1‘l:rl: has Iolbu a lot. Do lnlel|:d;:(dU) L‘;|a;llng Ict}1nDluglL‘~ LL‘l lhc 
I e ena . I ele are, a any glvlzn lnar e eel c.

aae, 100   on Lhe planet flflflfll

What does rhls have to do wllh :

<vr°‘=a'='v c°"~=m*-W) ""4 '<*'"“°" cummunlczlllurfl Slrnple. Them  so .2 flflllfll
'5 ““ “"““5° "°'°““°’ M‘’"‘“‘ N“‘‘"“ lnuell lllse lnrulnllllun oul there tlnl 3 
“' P““‘“5 °“‘ 2°"'°"” ‘°“‘ "‘ S02 “ lhe pllblle (and l eonslder lnyselr pan ?

day If 502 ls only zurz, of lhe ”b.1d _ , .2 

,, , of the puhlle) sllnplv doesn [know N
slun elnllled by vuleanos, Lhal s — ,, ,, 9 2
who or what to behave. la the old A 7 1 a 5
over 1 lnllllon TONS of pullullun lhal
days, ls ll was ln Lhc newspaper, on a
oeeurs nanllallv eaeh and every day, ar 1 3 5 2 7 4
_ « lelevlslon, oz taught ln sehool, It was 0

seven days a weele Add all lhe ~mok£ , V 
horn rolesl ms, the panleulales from  ‘:‘:‘a’nd 5


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