Page 29 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 29

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with apologies to e e Cummings / /‘
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etore entertng the constructron apparently was the same lrne was not And If we negotrated a shar-mg of costs,

field, l wr1~ .1 leather, and marked Z50 feet away elthex. we remalned good to our word. I also

:c:ecl'|:tlu ::‘halVVd)ai“:1V1a::‘}V1ed Wnh ta! 1‘ d ::lfh:llll;l:lll~' phIlo~ophy wasbetter
"Nobody loses all the hate." ln the poem, b ‘V’“’d° 3‘ "d V“ ;'“"‘“’ ‘"1  ‘ 1 d d . I _
he dmnbes a mmly mfimbem bum een rseoyere ear ler |n our wor , s mm as expenunce a vanous

V 1 h _ _ knew thateven though the utlllty had excavator rneetrngs, encouragrng my
V\ lt 1 fallum and l~ ultlmate ~uccea~ ln
falled to mark, we could potentlally peers to pertorrn the same. whtle rnost
overcoming those tarlures. whtle very h V d d (1 d b H. 1 d V d d‘ _ I “V
tongue VVV (‘Mk the Wm mndudna a\ e avo. e 12 amage y ea mg were a rea y olng .s or sum ax, ere
_ _ _ buth them and our one call. wrthout were some that retused anrl eontrnually
that everybody aclueves some success
fl mm V—m“L H VS A good mew“ VD thts usehrl rnlorrnatron, we could not. complzllned about the utrlrttes, notrng
remember l told Lhelr mprmentatlves that li lwas that all of Lhe hlts were their fault and
‘ lnvolced fur the total cost or the damage lamenting that they, as excavators

Ten years or so ago, I was called 1 would contest it, but thatl drd not were rloing everytlung they could do.
to rnvesttgate a stte where a utrlrty expect them to endure the entrre cost l would attend rneetrngs where utrlrty
had been dug up. l met wrth erther. l told them l woulrl spllt the cost members were present anrl they would,
representattves of the attected ulllity 50/50 and rssue them a check as soon as whrle m the audrence, make generally
and was aecornpanred by our tnsurance l recerved the lnvolce tor our halt of the drsparagrng remarks about excavators
company's satety audtt speelalrst amount rn general. The ulJv|nu~ truth rs that
He Vl~‘ll€d our bualnesa every 3-5 the truth ls wmewhcm ln the mlddle,

_ V V . Upon return to my yeluclc, l was . ,, , . . ,,
months to make sure we were rlomg 1 I h 1 _Vd b because nobody loses all the tune.
all could to mlnlmlze our exposure ~°""=W‘; F if Eh 33' "'l;1"§‘"=° The lmwn remembered (mm the poem,
to rrsk He watched as the utrlrty :::::‘;'a:;“i°umfl:m ‘ ‘!°l‘;ld S: that everyone sueceeds now and then
rcpresentattves and l met, walked the M‘ V‘ W“; M; 'V:hVl’mPhVVV to fight at a very mlnlmum, mcludes utrlrttes,
area where the hne harl been llll, talked — . excavators, anrl thtrd party lucatom.

'llen we telt we were ln then ht to
M1‘ “'9 ‘“.".°"“‘°"d““ “"d d"°“°"“d gay when we were |n the \'t'rol§g and lt rs often dithcult to look at ones
rcsponsrbrlrttes. The hne, where struck, ,
V _ V V . to negotrate when we felt that the self, one s processes anrl pracuees and
V\ an unmarked. lt vt aa V\llh|n the .
_ _ responsrbrlrtv was shared l went on hurl tault But lt can always be there,
~cupc of the loeate request Durmg the — . — .
to explaln that, when we rlecrrled to somewhere The qurekest path to tarlure
tntervrew proeess, our supenntendent .
_ _ rleny, we had assembled our evrdenee rs the sentrrnent that all rs perleet and
~ald that he should not have been
. caretully and had full and complete that there are no rssues M
surprtsed to hurl the unmarked llne d M‘ V V d
whm ;. 1.34 baa“ tn, hm“ W1“. Gcumfimuon» En M agree *0 M, lgzl, vt*(cllHl/vetlmlmxu(1lllu$tt1t‘lltty’tM crown;
Pay, the cheek wa~ pmcmed ‘1“‘Ck1)’- lgtlI£4Co, t.t—,.mcrur.t...y tame, uuu Mm» is has
ems Issue 2  an . 27

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