Page 26 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 26

Pipeline Damage Prevention
Cl ND. 218 from the 2017 Regular Scmlon House Blll N0 389 pruvldcs for the rulthonty of this CDmm|s~loncI
uiConvnn.1llun Io errloree laws for Lhc prcvcntlon cf damage to prpelures, lo pxovldc for and requrre eenarrr
prueerlures, to provldc for arhudreauon of vrulauuns, to pxovlde fut penallres anal otlmx rernedres, to pmvldc fox

nifctlivcnzm‘, and lo pmvldc fur mlalcd matlch (SEC LA RS 40 1749.27’

ln 2017, cuvernar John Bel Ealwarrls srgneal legrslauun grarrlrng aulhunty Io Lhc corrurussruner of conservauon to nnforcc
Lour.rana's Drg Law (R540 1749.11-27) on regulated prpelrne nghl of ways.

The.e are pIpuI|nL‘~ that carry any gas that r. flammable, eurrosrve or tuxlc (mus: are natuml gas prpelrrres) and l|quld~ lrnes
that earry petroleum (erurle ml, cundcnsatn, natural gasolrue, rralural gas liquld~ and llqucficd pnlmlnum gas), petroleum
products (flammable, taxi: or torxcmvc proaluel. ublzuncd from dlsllllmg and praeemng of trudn ml, unfimshcd urls,
n.1tumlgasllqulds,blL‘nd slurks and urher rruseellarreuus hyalruearbun compuund~), anhydrous arrununra and llquld CO2
(Slam rulree Hazmat mu~t snll be contacted eurreerrung releases of hazardous m.1lcnal~).

our Damage Prcvcntlon Program webpage ean be vreweal at: wulul.dvmlunialrmH.307//llidcx cfnl/pug:/1513

The cnfurccmnnt pmgmm wlll be tomplmnt based. For complaints eaneer-rung exeavaurrg wlthuul a one call Tlckct,
unsaie rlrggrng praeuees, rrusrnarkrrrg ur nu marks, the loll-(rec cumatl number rs 1-833-72b-0410 conrplarnrs ean also be
nmzuled tu: Plylcllnclllsptrfm 5(rUllz.g{uz1 .

Please feel iron: to contact me or my staff wuh any quL‘~tlon~

Sftilctl Clflrllllruttf

0/jree ufcaaser aahlm

Plpcllnc Divlsiutl Dlrtrfm

Our Cammunily. Our  Call 811 before you dig! "
Visit www.slIcll.uI/Pholino or www.¢a||8l I .¢om
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