Page 24 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 24

D  ‘
ran mm both of my regular readers musl about rhrs gmal sloxy-teller. He urne and as they dred lhe remarnrng
on a side slreel m Baton Rouge not only had urne to lrslen to where you Inbl: members buncd Lhcm them in the
a couple of weeks ago and was wanred to go, but he had the ablllty ID losr eernelery and put rhal prle of rack
asked about my old fnend and help you get Lherc l Lhmk wn’d he a at the head of Ihl: grave so that same

everyday hero Drllard. They sard, lot runher m our damage preyenuun day a srounng party like us eauld find
"Tell us another story 2|b0utD|llr1xd." efforts today if we had mare people them and tell the world about the losr
It has always been easy to tell sIonL‘~ wlth sueh aluhry. Inbc ofEglr1f~' l asleed lum who buned
about my fucnd, parlly because he Ihn lasl one when he dred and who put
was a legendary story-tcllex. l was :3" ““°’"}“""',‘ul’“;‘““ “1“'“”l' °“ ‘hi, _ the rock at Lhe head of hrs grave’ He
rmmedralely remrnded of days long h‘_’l“‘ fl”? V,“h"L;:‘ ‘h“l;”’"‘"‘ E” “K” figured |t mu~I have been a band of
pasl...haele rn the fimes donm a long ‘}:alt’B|1‘l‘1‘x’;‘l:“u‘c‘k m°m: ,,‘r‘[‘;’“?d:_‘:‘,f° iorelgners {mm Tnxas that had lravnled
srngle lane dlrl road rn ~'ouLhwl2~1 ‘H M fa I h b L}; H ,, Ihmugli Lhe country durmg the summer
AIkr1n~a~ that dead-ended at Drllard's “ "’ 9“ “ " °“‘ ° ‘° “' , of '23.

Tlus hot summer day found me srlllng ‘ h h k f I Beulah hullenng my name Lhrough the
on l..s from poxth lezmmg agamsr on: ‘(W l¥°“‘§l§1°V°’d‘“,,‘[,fT an ‘éhl “M woods. ”Ra}u-ice!” mug out he seeond
cf Lhe eedar pareh eolurnns. I warned ::’;1‘1‘('"§:‘}‘mm:”“““; ;’u";‘l’;h:k‘Z“I urne and I knew that the soouung party
pauenlly fur Drllard to pour lumseli h 3;‘ 1 V j 5 d 3 1 V was eomrng to an end. lgaue Drllard

a Cup of coffee and serlle Into lus I oug mar was a grealr ea, P ‘if M a qulck hug and sard, ”I’ll see you

old mtklng chalr on rhe from pureh. Elf E‘ ’“‘;;l’f““ “ “““’“§‘  “"3 Iomurmw, ok?" and ran rhruugh the
Frnally, he walked out of Ihc house with b“ “T” ‘“"‘:°’° " "“l*k d‘”"“ woods in reassure my Auntle that no
hrs eunee. He slrelehed real blg as he ‘h:’a“m: 3°" lum or tiger had eaten me alive. I eould
slepped on the porch. He had lhe look ‘hm “fhm Dmm’ mm m WW1‘ hardly wait to tell her abuur file lzglals
of a king about to be cozunatzd. He _k d h b _ ) I I f k l ialthiully told her the Iraglc ~tury of

aused and slared al the rockln rharr ““ ‘ "“ “ °“‘ ”“"’“ P‘ E” ° ’°“ ° Ihn lost lnbr: and the rneanrn of (11: 5

P 3 that lookcd add to me that m rhe 3

He moved |t shghlly and slowly sac d n‘ k _ d k _ i saered prles of rorles.

down. He allowed .r  lmpnrlant for “gm 3 ° 'f=l;‘~“f ;~ 7*" er; W ,_C d .1 ,, h d

a man of h” bmedmg and mm [0 Mk I e lrll C,YaultdIr1 un bre :ho years amr "You '5;z2|lc|<:xl~ rriney, as‘; sar k
Wm M mm 50 h not Work WW1 f to poop e n uu remem er ern our ne e ya an e ose rne s
death mrkmg uphill» Appamnlly the enhre populahon was “‘“";‘°“‘ V“: }‘:'}‘f‘“ ‘f“d“’}f‘“ b“"f“““

’ ’ our omean E flue I Emmi at
l dldn't nghlly knew how old he was, ,“é'9“°”;1“"ljf‘;°“‘}’—‘i’)‘1“ "f"tf‘“"db°‘ old wagon that sits belund the ham.
lwould have guessed samelhmg ln _ “" d°" ih }‘:“"; “? °H “f 5: “ There rs notlung sarred abuuuhose
this range of Melhuselah, but It dldn't “‘°“l" W‘ ‘ C" "°” W “Y old ruck pales." ”Ye~', Lherc rsl" says 1,
found lherr way to Lhe big wuods

really rnarler. All l really knew [mm mm“ Dillard,‘ [mm plm and my prolcclmg the legacy of thc Eglars.

my 6-year-old orphan kld perspeeuye _ , _ — , _ _

was ‘hat he had a hm mu of ‘me and unele and ’Auntlc s wlll hkely remam And that s when l learned char same

a myslery ul rhe Lord relums |n the unmfnnnud grownups wlll ram on

sumehuw found lhe nrne to leach me 1 d d

the lmponanl Lhangs of hre that grade ° °“ “ Y°‘" Pa” “'

sohonl yusl waan't eourpped to handle Dillard told me as we looked at Lhe lzesrdes, only the roeles knew for sure..
‘gum ‘hat,’ Pm of What , Rmcmbfl markers that they had dred one at a and l was gorng to belreye Drllard

heeause he had this hes: sluryl '
22 . Loulslzml: an 2015, Issue 2

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