Page 29 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 29

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housands oi dollars are spent you might start looking ior services relocation pmjed costs paid in iull.
every year repairing relocating oiiered by a vendor that can include This includes a clear scope oi work a
and installing iacilities. oiten responding onsite, completing an signed agreement, prepayment and a
deternrirring whu's to blame investigation, invoicing and Filing suit mslomer service approach. Pursuing

or who’: responsible (or these costs to recover the repair costs. To return reimbursement aiter the pmjecl is

can be a challenge. sometimes getting these dollars to your corstruction complete may result in the utility

them to pay is nearly impossible. This budget, the company you engage must absorbing the cost.

can all be overwhelming, especially ii be an expert in tort law, know how . . .

you already ie1e:‘like yoltfx: just trying :2 overcome disputes oi llabiIIity (lo;v E‘""‘"" A°‘1“““"““

to stay a oat. ‘s artic e isorsses nging wires or inacnrrate ocates Many landowners do not understand
reimbursement ior 3rd party damage and have the ability to negotiate the importance oi cable inirastructure,
claims and iorced relocation requests, payments in iull. The company must the reason and need ior a proposed
easement acquisitions, and the potential also have access to obtaui copies oi pmjed or the processes in place

need to find a vendor so you, the utility, police/are reports and be experts in governing an easement acqulslfiun.

can iocus on connecting and servicing iinding good phone numbers and it is important to meet with the

your customers. addresses ior the negligent party. landowner to explain the purpose oi
Reimbursement an 31:! party Subslzriberpmperty aaiiagea gqgfigxgfgglgggjgfgjght
property damage claims companies doing construction on your 1 m I d .5 I

. . behali inadvertently damage subscriber “P 3"‘ 9 “*"‘*“. “‘“‘“’"‘ °
All utilities suiier an expense my The “Y Wm might the landowner. This includes someone
when repairing damaged iacilities. "mp ’ V.'°P° . . . that reads plat maps, is iamiliar with
iile a claim against the uhhty. l-lavrng
The damager might be your own a custom“ liaison mmmh m gammy the courthouse and understands
subcontractor, a iencing company, a . right-oi-way agreements. There might
the vendor and work with the
homeowner, an operator oi a motor _ . also be other documents permining to
. . subcontractor to repair or reimburse the .

vehicle, an excavator, a tree trimmer, my Wm dim” can Sm mg additional work-space or access roads.
someone shooting at squirrels, truck "'°.P Y . All documents need to be signed in
drivers and more. The root cause oi the ““'"" “‘°“5''‘“ds “‘ “"3” Pm‘ iront oi a notary public.

damage may identify a negligent party Prepaymenl to teloule your . . ,

that is diiierent than the person who cut facilities ¥'_‘ ‘“'‘‘‘“5‘°’‘l' 5”“ “‘f§‘é‘ 3“ ":i”“‘

or hit the iacilrty. who pays the cost to . . . . " D” .C"'',” Pmces" “ we D 3
WP” and mum yam pmpmy m its EXl|hhES\;tIllll‘DflEl11I":|?|lES(g:||l$Itdy to better lubri How would hl smrt loollcing

. te ad ‘fies. ’sn'\i l ue DYE ven DI’. Wlhafiist e uneca
pre-damaged conditron7 :  mmmcfion M M Sim .,
ple solution? vendors need to be flexlble,

with a complete facl-based- desire to have aerial iacilities buried iocus on iacts, be good listeners and
investigation, damage pictures, piedigs underground. Many utilities choose work proiessionally on your behali.
and knowledge oi the dig law you will to invoice relocation costs to the party Member-driven associations can oiten
be successirrl in invoicing the negligent requesting the work however this recommend service pmviders which
party. Getting paid on the invoice might be urn-uccessiul when pursuing may include discounted fees.‘
requires knowledge oi tort law, statutes, payment. Getting reimbursed takes

and cat rulin . The iunds mi ht come man iollow u hone calls or even (at

P gs g y P P .

out oi pocket, irom your subcontractor, limes) litigation. Fm mm m/mm“-m av am!»-ms Mvd-rile
(mm 3“ msumme mmpany D, mm 3 I am he cmmzcied at 512—334—2s53 471

mm mmpmy Fmdms a Vefldm MW ImP1Efl|EI"=‘- Mi;htIIr_LIgsll1d@PhaemxI.o5sCtmImI mm.

best practices will result in more iorced 20” “ml Lmm Eu . 2,

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