Page 27 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 27

usually consrderalaly drrrerem than The ma,or accomphshmcm for the Plpelme Safety Managemem syslems,
what plpelme operalors musl mvesl third cmc meehng was approval appears to he gaamng momenmm

to comply with the regulahons. who of §19Z 607 Venficatlon ofplpelinz laasacally, lhrs rlocumem promotes
pays for romphanee7 The euslomers. mnleual: onshore sleel lransmrssron plpclme sarely cultum I’!-LMSA has
NOT the prpellne operator. if a papelmes There were numerous a lol on its plale at the momenl but it

i eline o sralor cannot ass the eosl moduacaaons and dnnficatlon~ but would nol sur nse me if 1173 were nol


ofcom hance Ihmu h to lhc cuslomel, the GPAC alllDONE! PHMSA has incor oraled b v reference min 49 CFR

P E E P >

that prpellne npeznloz will soon eease taken what they call an "oppo!tunl~'tlc" Pan 192 somellme in lhe runrre.

Io errsl and the cuslomers wrll he faced approach lo gathunng data regarding _ .

with even hrgher cos: legacy prpelines As long as they 3: ‘X1309 ““”’f' PH"",9;f ‘f “°fi$"d°d "

. have a reasonable basis for opcralmg ‘” “5°“‘—" “‘ Y°“ “‘ 2‘ 2’ " *

The agenda for the flzsl GPAC meenng _ .

. a segmenl of prpelme sarely, prpehne The BAD news PHMSA rs as good a
(“"“““"'“ °“ ‘he PHMSA We" °“‘) ’ o zratun should no lon er be re uired [ed l - v ‘ll H d
°“PP°’°‘“Y ““ "°"‘Y ‘“‘“" ’ “'“° ufeolleei dua 'us'I for Ill: salre ofq 2” agent}, H. W“ M mm H ’
completed by Lhe end ui «he second (cumin Am’ gm data M“ m“ be Have a safe and happy ZUl8!! .
meehng. A number of proposed fb I ‘I I _’l’ H 1 .’
changes were wnhdrawn and the figgxfing   mu /olm rmmti from PHMSA and Is cnmmly
apphcauon of several olher proposed . * _ Vice Presnicvlf 0/Plpelllw Sysfmu Camph—

. he allowed The spccrae requrremenls
changes elarrhed For example, [1 lb I H I I Lh 6 I aarc rmd Uperaflalls Sm7/Iccs/Dr c2 Pl1n‘—
PHMSA has proposed to add the W‘ N’ ‘ ‘“’“‘ “ .° ““. ‘ ° ““ HAYS, LLC. Emmi /nhu [l1mbl'(r032—:s.rlzlu
,, ,, ,, rulemalong hul this rs, 111 my oplmon,
‘”°‘“‘ “““"“ “* 1”“ °‘ ‘”°‘“"“' a huge ~I2p in what [believe to be Lhe
;*="§‘='"""gf°'“P‘*‘°"‘“;$IsA nghlduectlon. A an 1 an
asc on pu rr eommenrs,

agreed that ”mllabl2" only confused several olherlssues were addressed at E 9 1 E
the rssue withdrew the proposed the third CFAC meeung and Lhe next g 7 2 3 5 4 9 5 1
change. Applicability ofthe proposed twu GPAC meehngs were tzmatlvzly 8 1 2 s 5 4
changes, eg., lransmrssron lmes vs soheduled for Maroh and June. How % A 1 5 7 7
gntheung hnes vs dish-ibutinn syslems many more will he requrred l~ a matter ;
was addressed pearls addressing of speculaaon. 3 Hflfllflflfl
;;;“;P;g§j;f;;j;;f§;f;~;n° The aaer amp a. he righldlmctlon ;‘ H533
requirement‘ Wm addmwzfi 5 is that u appears that AP] RI’ 1173, 5 5 all 2 H

’ Iflflflflflfl

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