Page 19 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 19

overhead lines‘ that may rnterrere wrth mr1rklngs',a~' well as make rvrrtten arrangement. are made, document the
your loeatable .rgnal. And, a. r1lwr1y~', doeurnentatron v.»fal1ychr1ngL‘~ relatrye cun\'cIsr1l|un to rnelude the date anrl
be on the lookout for ~'afnty}mzr1rds' or to the exeavatron area ~l1uwn on the trme the meetrng wrll take plaee
abnormal condmom that rnay rrupaet loeate request, any cunvusalluns wrth F H 1 _ _ h
your .atety. the exeavator erther on me or over " ‘’‘”’‘“5‘ ‘‘° ‘?1"‘°}:°“""_‘ "" “C
the phone and any other elarrheatron. 1°” ‘““ “'d“°“ “ ‘ ““““‘ °‘ ‘‘”°‘'
slep 4; Make a plan and wnrk your that mm to mmmmmn qhuwn an The taole cf lrne lucatlng rnyolve. mueh
P'‘‘“ the dlg notrheatron. Many prpelrrre "‘°’° ‘1“‘“ ""‘P‘3’ “""““"“5 h°‘“' "’
— - te an eleetronre lrne rleteetor. Q

You ~huuld al.o cnnaldcr e.tablr.hrng opcramxa and utrlrty operator. requrre “W”

a patter-n fur loeatrng and roeu. on a repre.~entatrve he on.-rte when M, N,X,,5m,,(K,,. ,5 W p,C,,,g,,,, ,,,,,
loeatrng one lrne at a trrne lnorrnally exeavatron r. takrng plaee near the CEO Hf unmy mmmg Ammy W
loeated several types of utllmcs on my errtreal hne. If your iltllallon warmnla, W Wm 26 WW Ufupmmm W WW4
lubiltcs but would eonrpletely loeate nollfy the exeavator that there r.- a W,,,W ,m,mX W, mmgf mmmm
eaeh utrlrty iyilcm bcfum atarung on errtreal lrne burred on therr lab .rte M Wfimm N “WWW M W M
the next ~y~tcm. strategreally deploy and arrange a hrgh prohle meet. Aftu “Wm M Mmmmmh mm

your ~lgnt1l tmnsmlttcx and loeate ’ ‘

one lrne at a trnre when laeed wrth a

congcstcd dlg .—rte or utrlrty ea.-ernent,

deploy your lranamlllcx away from the

congnatlon and loeate the hue rnto the .1‘
congnstnd area. 7, -
Slap 5: Trace, pillpninl and maxk ‘ . “. ,‘
Temporary maIk|ng~ plaeerl on the \ I A "II! J “ll r r \ ’ t ‘ 45»
,ob..-rte are nonverbal eomnrunreatron 'I‘.‘: ‘J I < - 63 I ‘3‘.”‘,1“,, ' ' ‘ ‘ * ','_
between the loeator anrl the excavator  r ‘ 3% ' -
wrth the mlor rrrdreatrng the type of ' .. '- H: l , I l , ‘-
produet flowlng through the prpe ” , r , I . . f”

or mblc Your temporary marlerng. .1 ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ W

olrould elearly rrlentrry the e.trmated ' ‘  ; ,—, _ . .
horrzontal loeatron anrl pathway of  ~ -  ., , W _ ’
lrne. hurrerl rn the drg area. other 5 2 , —

valuable Information you could provrde ~- >'

wrth your loeatron marklngs eorrld

rnelude .-rze of lrne, type of hue or prpe _
mr1lcnaI,a~' well as‘ the number of lines _ ‘

rn a amglc treneh or eondrrrt paekage - _

and who uwns the hue. . .

Slap 5; Double eheek and ms|om the


Caxpunlcm lrve by the golden rrrle to lwlcc and all once. lo a line WE CAN LO CATE ANYTHING!
loeator, rt’. rnrportant to take another

look at your loeate tlckct anrl prrnt. to

mflkc Mm. y,_,“r\.C Mmumcd [0, an hm, SUBSURFACE UTILITY LOCAIING SERVICES:

burred on or near the ‘chin: to prevent - Initial Invesfigafion of Underground Focllily Maps

a eut. when you'mar1lhficd that . Compllmlon of Ufmy Maps

eyerythrng r. aeeounted lor, you ohould . Des-‘gnu,-mg and Marking

makcaum tl\r1lyuu'vc tlnacd all lrrl.-, _ A . ID 5 . f M . M k d Um.

boxe~ or cuvus you may have opened °f‘”a "We Cf3”"!”9 0’ C'DP""9 G’ 5 " ‘E5
durrng the ,oh and have retrreved all ol ' U'||"‘/ DESIQWVIHQ VIC Ge0FJhY5|CG' Memods

your l1.»uI~ and equrpment - Ulifly Locating vlcl All & Hydro Excavation

Slap 7; Dncumenl ynur walk and ' Ulyljw Coordlrlollon g g

c.,,,.m.m;c.., my high 9,9512 - Ullllly Relocollon Deslgn 8. C051 ESYIFYKJISS


1 Wm onee told by my allpcrvhor -.

that rl rt wasn’l rloeunrented, rt ncvcx

 r ,.  a  S11; "GROUP, LLC

anythrng and nvcrytlung related to . r . \

the exeavatron notree. Many loeatrng

mihmmm mm mm! Pmmm M [hm

F r:r  l ‘El l E:rV:: rr r‘7‘l:rLlg~E L ’\ ‘GE; ‘:1

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