Page 18 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 18

to a Quality Locate
UV EDD Ntghswanger
J ~ t ha. heeh toy Cxpcrlcncn‘ z1\ a locator that tehettx
mlluwcd the aflnil‘ ~(cp~ autttte eaeh locate and kept
‘ lny truck urgaluzcd, 1 \\’:\> tuuth tttote p[()d|ICl}\'L‘
- autuue my day and made tat tewet nusmkcs
. Although nIt1nylu(t1[ur~ mz\yz\ppmz\c11thL~tt1~k thffurcmly,
E Yd luku to prC~cnt xcvcn Iulidamcntal steps tot L‘\'L‘Iy
_.- toeatot to C()r\~ld(_'r
step 1; follow saf2|y ptaeedutes and use yuut saf2|y
equtptttetat aha htuawteage
g Try to lnakc the Hgl1[(h|)lCL‘> and take a pchtlntfl apptoath
5 to yout xafcty aha the st1fctyuflhu~u I\f()ul'II‘ you You
. ate uttuttatety [L‘~pun~lbl1_' tot yout ~:nuly during the day
whtte firm the to and pcriornung htte lutatcs. The Cl1(H(C~
you make on the yohate tun otteu tttat tuuy artett yout tatett
safety but :\I~u have an uttpaet ott the st1[ulyofulhcr~.Start
by ldcntlfylng the hazata. that Cxht ot tttay exist ott the
yohate and (hen thtao~e the apptopttate pclanllfial pr()Kl_'({I\/L‘
gear and equtptttettt you tutu head to pettotttt t11I~ tt1~k
step 2; Read ttehet aha eheeh all pttttta beinre aha artet
‘ I pettatuutag the loca|e
A 1 Dutlhg the planning smgca ot the hatate, t11()mIIg11Iy [Cad
‘ . yout extat attott hottte to gain a tteat unduhtandlllg or the
‘ ‘ ‘ Before YOU. dig , dig atea Ifyuu ate uueleat ot the exact toeatttatt of the dig
. . MIL‘, eotttaet the (I|"L‘l’ of the ticket tot attuhtttattat dL‘[a1I~
. v t ' g  /\CCL‘>\ yttut atea nIt1P~, pnlilx and tetottt. tot the dig atea
. aha taettttty yout ate atea oh your prints Detetttuhe the
g- ttuttthet, type aha ~}Zc or huttett lInc~ you hate ttt the atea,
- Pipeline sdew spam alollg uuth the lnczltlon or the top xldc ac:c~.~ potttt boat
1’ 0 m the 91 mm d up Muted tot applying the tIah~nut[Cr to eaeh huttea tttetante
—— ' htte ot ttaeet wtte Prmb should he tttttaaeteeu a gIudL' atta
ttot a tatt n yout pttht ~1'\()\\'> that you hate a hhe huttett
tteat the dig atea hut ttotttt the (‘lg atea, ttx ahttay~ a good
utea to hook up and yettty the htte I~ t1:l|I:\Ily:k‘ar
step 3: Visually survey the enflre scope ni wurk
Always call an helme A \'l>|It1l lnapcctlun or the yohate )> a \.cryImp0rtt1nl~tL‘p
yml mg. Ira me law to l_'h~ul’}hg that an ()fy()urIlr\C~ httatett to the rL‘qIIL‘>tL*d
atea ate tttathea. statt by vI~u:\Hy (0l’IfIrn'\}hg the euttte
M "W Wm M“ stupll of Wurk ou the Ioeate uckct by doing t1yub~1tL~ walk
‘,,,,,,,m,,,, a, through whtte ott yout Walk t11mIIg11, eohtttttt the hatattoh
‘,_,m,,” “M of acct» pumb you u1etttu'-tea tut yunr pnnt.~ Take a cIu~c
look at the It1nd~Ct1pL‘ to >L‘ar(1'\ [urmp0grt1plucalCluc~
of utthty tollxtructlnn hkc ttetteh lInc~, Crt1(k~, patehe.
at (UN ttt the patettteht A good Ylaual IlI~pC([I()r\ eatt
811 aho help you taehttty othet buncd !aC1Imc~ that may ttot
<09  haxc heeh d()cun1L‘ntud Uh yout pnnlx Be tat. the Ioukmll
‘"’a.1i1:t:7lS?t.t. | t Vt \ [Or atty (urIdll}()r\> that might atteet the ateutaey tat yout
Ioeate hue ehattt lmk f(_'l’I(1_'~, guard ra1I~,gI|y V/v'll’L‘~ and
16~ an 2017 team

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