Page 24 - Louisiana 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 24

What To Do When OSHA comes Knockin’

Authofls Natz: Tlltfnlllzwmg I11/brmm‘lon wtlmms suggestians ya" may wan: tn 145C 17! workmg with pcrsovmzlfwm Ihcfcdeml Depnrhllml
cfLlxDor'5 Oauplzliamrl sa/ely rmd Hmmv Admltllsh/IIILM ll i5 notpre5ev1I('dlxs Iegrvlndvlce As apamasiale, (‘oll5l4l! mm ylmrlegrll (lnmscl.
Under ma Dcrllpflflurml Srvfcfy and l-lealll. Ad a/1970, OSHA may cutldud workplrrrc ln5p('c!iavt5 In aelenmaa lfrm cmpluyzr is complying
aall. OSHA aflmdlzrris.

nu slmuld have 3 plan.’

hazaxd and to remnve employees from name complamls may also eome from
lnapeciions ate generally lhe zxposurrs. If Lhe emplnyzl: lolls Io pohee or fire elepanmenls, local or
eehdueleal Wllheul "Well cooperate, Lhe zmplnyer could he held s-«ale uffirinls, doctors who have healed

Pnernohee Them areaome crlmlnally nngllgcnlifzmployeesare employees, and ulhsn. cemplamls
exeeptloner but aalvahee “Ghee Will lnmeeal 01 killed at the ~lle. may he filed vla lhe lnlel-net, FAX, mall,
generally be less than 24 hams 0, Mzphom

2. Fatnllty ur seveee lnluzy msolhng in

lf an employer refuses *0 aalmllah aialallty, anovernlghthospllalizatlon, 4. Peogxamlnspeeuonsare aimed al
OSHA cu"-Plianee Ofheerr 0' ll an an amputation or loss of an eye are lnalusn-les or oeeupouons that have
“"‘Pl"Y“ "“°l“P“' '0 mlellele with OSH.A’s seeond prlunty. comphonee hlghcz-than-normal oeeielenl rates.

the insveehm legal awn" may he oeheers will frequently show up at Conslruclmn and utlllty work ole
mma|e<l- For example the eomlrhahee the scene it lhey hear about ll over the elassllleel as lugh-mle lnaloslnes.

off-eel la obllsaled 10 ohlam a ~'ear=h lnlemel, radio, or lelevlslon. Aeeldems .

warrants-frequeeled eesullmgmaralallly muslbzmpoztzd 5’ 5l’“°‘“'°‘“l”‘“”'”l"°5”"“‘"'5"‘
Reasuns Far and Types nf OSHA 10 OSHA Wlthm eight ho’-HS  
lnaveelhma 3. Employee eemplolnls ahom andCc;mplla¥1é2O€‘fic2rsaIIem:l I
Them are ,1, Pmmy remm ,0, OSHA allegeel safety vlolanons or onsale Dr to make as many speelal emphasls
,m.Pemm; onheallhy working cundltlons may lnspeeoans as posslhle There ls, m

> result m an mspeeoon. OSHA wlll nut ran, a Natlonal speelal Emphasis

1- lmmmemdangers-h-at-omarelov eeleaselhenameenheeomplalnanll: Pmgmmfnrlrznchzaand exeavauons.
l>ri°my- There are ~'It-mlinm where lhe cumplalnant eequesls zmonymlty compliance pezsonnel ole required
‘here Is a zonal chance the hazard Could OSHA wlll also keep Lhe eomplolnonas) tn lnspeel anv anel all lrenehes and
mull m a death or ~er-um mlury before lninrmed of any actlun that OSHA lakes exeavaoons {hey obazrvz

‘he hazard Cmllal he ellmmateal lhmugh as result oi «he complmnt. At the lune ui

normalenforeemenllrroeerlures The lnspeelion,osHA.saeq.meallepmvlde 5' F°"°“"“l"“‘l’*“‘°“”"‘“““‘°‘°
Comvllanee Off-eerxvlll pmhably a~l< lhe eompany with copies of employee V‘".‘l’ ”‘“‘ "‘°.'““°“" ‘1“‘ W“ “°‘°d
the emplnyu ID vnluntzmly alaale lhe mm,,1a,,,.,, wmwu. 11,2 Empyoyeg. during a PT€Vl°l1‘ lnepen-on have hem

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thin-stBcymatlvuHllwlrlllvluvylrlruovvhlm. uoulmlllwlvvv/ul 2,  ,7;-R  rrn?,.‘;:;:§Q } N v
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22 . Loulsl2muE11 2017 Issue)

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