Page 19 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2021 Issue 2
P. 19

actually calling. I know this is the case because statistics show that more and more people know about 811, but still damages occur as the result of not having the locate request.
The truth is the latest DIRT national statistics show that 29% of damages reported were caused by no locate request. We’ve got to believe that most of those damages are unnecessary in light of another national statistic that tells us damages occur less than 1% of the time when that call to 811 is made. Now to be sure, we don’t know what goes through the mind of those who continue to dig without a locate request, but when you step back and take an objective look at the issue, it leaves us shaking our heads.
What would happen if before we dug, we simply contacted 811, waited the appropriate time, respected the marks and dug carefully?
I don’t know if that’s possible; I only know it is necessary!
Charlie Gauthier, Sales Representative
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2021, Issue 2 Louisiana 811 • 17

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