Page 8 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 8

‘—‘='"E " L L‘ air ‘
ntergy. ‘ ,.
811 before " * 
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And if you suspect a gas leak, call ‘ -
1-800-ENTERGY (368-3749) or 911. ./ \‘ '
At Entergy, safety is our ’' *~';'
"um  P"°'“V- Cole Va nderlick
Make it yours! _
Manager - Damage Prevent/on
5 J‘: LOLI/'SI'O1/'70 87]
. n ‘ ' nmuuun.
: _ ‘. calming .
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.., ‘ at ; ‘ . . .
' 9 1 e - i,«- ou|s|anaSn1s very pleased lD annennee the
WV,’ _ _ ‘ , , y I hiring ofColeVanderlick as ourmanager
‘ " /3.‘ , ' damage pi-eveniien. Cole was iunneily
.‘ a ‘ ‘ wiui i3m_wn dz Brown insurance serving as
i "4, —e I11eu'L‘ommerc|a1 msuranre and risk adviser and has
- a  7 . wnrked[orEnel1echwherehewaslhemanagerof
H _  _¢J » damage prevention and puhlir awareness for iiieii
 ’-' 5, ‘ program in Louisiana. He has a degree in peimleuin
_ -  V -: engineering from Louisiana Slate University and beings
I 4 4 ’. '. ’ A a considerable amounl oi knowledge In this pnsition.
 3 2. _, 7‘, ~ 1 ? ‘ cuies due.-an responsihilily will be promoting public
* '. >3 A ' ‘ i’ . . 4 awareness ofour prograln and assisling in leading.
M4‘-.  1. ‘ . -(. ’ _ 1 f _ _ directing and pmmculing Luuisiana airs vision‘ slralegy,
'— 1-  . '-MN“ .. ' g M. printiples and initiatives. cnie will be responsible
” , “ 1‘ ‘ _ ' {oi pmviding presentations regarding Louisiana airs
V‘ “ ‘  ’ operalionsa die Lnuisiana Underground Utilities 4.
, u v - Facilities Damage Prevention Law (Dig Law) and
av - ., digging safzly. Hen be working willn vaxious entities
insiuding utility operators, exczvalorsa [oral and slate
- ’ .. V polilical subdivisions (0 1ie1p prevent underground and
- , “'5' suhmersibleulilily damages.
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