Page 3 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 3

Zotaklia/ta ‘
(mm the desk :7!
tating that 2020 thus far has been interesting would
She a gross understatement: The COVID-19 situation
has turned everything upside down and slowly, but
surely, we're recovering trom this historic event that we'll
certainly never torget

Amid all the chaos, l'm extremely proud to see how

our call center has responded tlirouglioui this ordeal.

our administrative start has done an outstanding iob

‘ uf keeping up with their workload while working
remotely. l've been iust as proud of our customer service
X‘ representatives who have been conducting '-business

as usual" rcmotely l reel coniirlent that none of our

stakeholders have noticed any diiterences in how we've

operated during the last iew months and, hopefully, no
one has incurred any lapse in the customer seriice you've
come to expect during this pandemic.

As we move forward in 2020, the futum seems uncertain
to many. Numerous conventions, Diggers Night out programs and other events have
either been cancelled or postponed lndefinllely. lt makes me sad that we won't be able to
network with each other and share our important safety message like we had planned But
rest assured knowlng that we'll be here for you — whether it's a web-based training .~£s~'lon
on how to use our wftvmm or a damage prevcntion presentation — we've got you covered
lt's what you've been accustomed to and what we Expect of ourselves — our best eiiort.
Please know that our stait and board of directors will continue to make the most of our
situation and will sti-ive to look tor new and innovative ways to improve our program. If
you have any suggestions on how to make us better, I'd appreciate your reerlback because
open lines of communication help everyone in the end. And don't furgct to contact us it
you'd like to take advantage ui any training opporninities.
until next time, please stay safe and God bless you all:

Brent Saltzman
Executive Director
Loiilsiana an
2020, !ssue2 Luulsllsrla arr . 1

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