Page 18 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 18

First Ever Online Training and New
Best Practices for Working Safel g N ear
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s.,a....or UndenNater Pipelines
Coasml and Marine Opemlom
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he united states has a wealth gaps within lalres, hays, rivers, hayuus, and the Lalre Pcinlcharlrain Basin
of natural i-esources— inlets, oceans and gults is the primary Foundation |Ll"BF). It should be noted,
everything from hahitat focus of coastal and Marine Operators support and tunding trum multiple
to petroleum reserves is |CAMO) — "Marine Damage Prevention" partners and agencies made this project
unequalled. Many us citizens worlr in and calling su lor underwater locates possilile.
fishin-g,‘marine_. waterways and energy are not equally understood as they are The Pmmpackedl hm prmm
related industries. pipelines salely on—land. . . .
. . guide leads personnel involved with
convey an array or liquids and gases _ . .

. . . nest Przcllces: underwater or marine pmjecls through
within and well beyond our coastlines. 1 d 11 .
Dredging and many other types of oil and gas pipelines along with a °“g"?'” 3“ 5 °.“"°’“ P‘“’_l°“

. . . , . . _ - . planning steps. it includes guidance
marine construction and eircavatien wide array of utilities crisscross us . .
. . . . . . . ' during construction and the new
activities occur daily Land huildmg waterways in record numher;tl12refor2, .

d . . . , pm‘k2I—st1.2d,waIerproof salety and
an navigation all are vital to the US a new recommended best practices 1. d 1
economy Altogether, these riches of guide titled “Working salely Near ",""“‘ff"l‘5’ ':fj' 3 “".“"f°‘_“‘5 jm
natural resources. economic activity underwater Pipelines" was released ,° :5 '5 "'5 9 3’ “'3” '"g “P” 3 9
and restoration etrorts pose special 2019 along with a corresponding "Safely 1° ‘"9’
challenges with pipeline safety in and Emergency Tip card" for jolisite Nztitmwide Online Training:
marine environments. use. Both documents will help to ensure I I h E

. . . . . . the continued safety and environmental " ‘.“'“'“°”.' ‘°’°". 9 ""3"". .
New pipelines and utilities are lieing . . . . national online and interactive pipeline
. protection that we all strive to maintain . . .
installed or updated every day. d h sateiy training will he released tor
comliined with increasing dredging 3“ 9“ ‘"‘°' wurlring sately near underwater
and marine construction activity in Debuted at the annual coastal and pipelines. it complements the
the same waters. The chance of a Marine Safely Emergency iiesponse recommended liest practices and tip
marine vessel contacting underwater workshop on November 6, 2mg in New card higliliglated above. This online
infrastructure continues to grow. orleans, LA, the two new publications training has something tor everyone
Accidental interactions and incidents were distributed. The meeting is no matter what their responsibilities
have caused spills, outages, gas releases. ccrhosted hy the organizalinns that entail, even if its land liased. Although
injuries and loss of human life. closing prepared these new timls: the coastal designed (or rnariners. underwater
the satety and damage prevention and Marine operators Group [CAMO] construction and the pipeline industry,

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