Page 20 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 20

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involvzd in bringing it iegeilner and making it work. Thz GASTEC

facility was greai. . _

coinpemors inrliided represenlalives from Almos Enzrgy, BIIA Spamal Thanks to 0"’ Sumnm Sponsms
Int, Enlergy Gas‘ Health Consultants‘ SIB Gruup LLC, USILL wirh

23 participants cclmpzling in a mlal cI[45 separale evznts Tlnanks p|afinu"-I

Io casier and die mm for making lhzir fabulous facility available

In the cumpelilors and erews working the event. is eanidni have Atmos Energy

been Lztler. A shoul out to Kevin Landry. Annos. and iea.n lor . o

eooking up some grzal food and providing a lime lieai emside. Louisiana 311

ll was surely a cold day! Congratulalions to Jerry llood, lleaili a »

Consultants‘ isi plare in llwz gas division and for winning ilne P’°g"““’° P“"“°""3

overall rliainpionslnip. .Ven'y will represenl Louisiana at me Go|d

Inlzmational Lucatz Rodzo later this year. hzld again in illissoiirifly LGA

one call Concepts
- Shell
I CenterPo|nt Energy
' ' !   , If” colonial Pipeline Company
/ x 13: W1? * E
;_ V __ ._,,;A-,’.'._ ntergy
if"/A   *- - ~ crady Crawford Construction
/ Keith Lotfs Plumbing
/ ; . Bronze
1 e 7' , . H Age
9 c 4 ,
_ _ * ‘ 4 _, Badger Dayliglsnng
". . - 5' Compliance Envirosystems
- . ‘f’ 5
RAJ T l 1 g 3 KorTerra
‘_ “ V L ‘ ‘ _ _ ‘ Miller Pipeline
T2 UES, Inc.
888-882-8777 , . . .
info@ula5earch.(om m Woiaggwsmggi U“htyTrammg Academy
www.utasearch (om Vermeer Texas—Lou|s|ana /
Venneer M.idSoutl1
ia . Loulslsuxfill 2020 lssuel

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