Page 16 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 16


So what exactlg do all these pipelines transport?
There is a wide range of products traveling Ihmugh ll.e thousands oi miles oi plpellnes. everylhing from gas (on you.
car lo oxygen for l.ospllals. Many of ll.ese prclducls can be flammable, harmful if lnnaled, cause eye or skin
irxilalion nrpossihly sause dlleeully lneallung. Some oflhe malellals could sause envimmnenlal damage. Because
oi .l.ese polenllal hazards. il ls lmponanl for our neighbors lo be alsle to recognize a plpellne leak.

Recognizing a pipeline leak

Using gour sense of sight. smell and sound will help gou
in recognizing a suspected leak.
c-- .-e , 7; oudorfog
 _..l - What TO DO If You Suspect a Leak
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G) 7‘ HM ‘ ‘H L ‘I H]. J K , e lmmedlalely leave ll.e area.
a’ . ‘ ._ “ _ .2: My _‘ __ flpcussible luln on any equipment being used in or near
* ‘  * ‘ ‘ ' ll.e suspeeled leak. Ahandon any equipmenl lselng used
W l v l__ "l '-'l‘  Fl wgter and move upwind from the suspected leak.
l ‘   .-'-  Fmmasafe loeallon,eallg..o.yeullosalemeegensy
s,.. l . g- ~ lesponse number and me plpellne company. call called,
' y , _.;v; ifneeded, and gave your name, phone number. description
‘ "£11 ‘ ’~ " " "—‘!l3~ YOUNG oflhe leak and lls loeallon.
, 9 " Waln o.l.e..s lo slay away when possible.

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Odorg ‘ y . .  ,7. Ompa_ What NOT TO DO If You Suspect a Leak
.2. M
“U 3~F“l5'3 * > no nol Icuudl. l.leall.e el make ccmlacl wlll. ll.e leaklng
U) /. liquids or gas. slay upwlnd ll possible.
- -'~ Du nol llglu a malell. slan an englne. use a lelepllone.
. ( luln on o. off any lype oi eleclrical swilch such as a
llgl.l. garage doe. epenel, elc. or do anyllung .l.a. may
’ . eleale slaus or a spark.
L‘ An mu 1 _ . . re Du nel allempl Io exllngulsl. any pipeline fire Ihal may
(5 f , 7- - h son.
mmt ‘ ""‘ ' ‘ as Do nol drive inlu a leak or vapor cloud area. Automobile

G’ 9 "1'S§.:. =1’  ‘ " OUVW. englnes may lgnlle .l.e vapors.

_c m9Q’be"a‘ ' I K Du nol allempl In operate valves.
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Pipeline Operator's Actions during an Emergency
In ll.e unllkely event of an accidenl or leak. ll.e plpellne operator who is notified will lmmedlalely dlspalsl. personnel lo
.l.e slle to l.elp nandle ll.e emergenry and lo provide lnlonuallen lo publir salely nlficials lo asslsl ln ll.el.. lesponse lo ll.e
emergenry. Pipeline leslmlelans will also lake quick aeuon such as slaning and slopplng pumps or compressors. closing and
openlng valves. and similar sleps lo minimize ll.e impacl oi ll.e silnatinn. Tl.ese responders ale heavily Irained throughout
.l.e year lo ensule ll.en nelgl.l.e.l.ood ls lelumed le ns well—l>eing.

14 . loloonsall 2020,lssue1

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