Page 7 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 7

B rent’s
lruer ls fast nppmaching safety preseuraudrrl" Quite frankly,
and we've already had we ear. make it as lung as ynu'd like
several nights where lhe but typically a preseuraudr. lakes
temperature has dmpped appmximatzly so mlnules allowlng

below frezzlng. It really duEsn'I ruaner ruue for quesriuns aud auswers. Best
wherher or rrol you like cold wealher nf all, we can gear nu! preserualluus
heeause marry ui yuu Excavalnrs Inward whar you'd like In dlseuss.
aren't gcung to see a slowdown In whelher lrs a Dig Law quesliun,
cnnstruttmn aeluuly. You lllerally pluw Enforcenlenl issue, haw lu errler a richer
(pun ahleuded) right through the cold drrlme or anythlng else relating lu our
ruuurhsl prnglam, we're here to address your
Fur lhuse ui yuu whu are fununate °“"°‘"“‘
Enough lo slow down, careh ynur so if ynuz employees are gettlng tired
breath and take a break from your or hearing a safety mlk [mm sdrueoue
hectic rouuues, good for you. Elrher wuhlu your own organization, mix

2 way, why nnl take advantage nf us it up and have us talk lu your group.
and schedule a safety rueellug in: We're here In helpl

0 "“‘" °'5“"‘”“““ "Em" ‘he ‘*”‘“5‘7 uuul next luue lease be safe but lhere
jusl give us a call and ellher l or my '1” .

Q euurrlerparl, Ieff Mdrusuu, would be 3"‘ "““°“"’“ “’ d“ ""3 “"‘°""‘“3‘

_| happy lo schedule a meeting wuh you 1. Call or Click B11 herore you dig;

. _, and your inllu tn dlseuss undzrgmund , _

< mmmm safw 2. Wall tor the mark-by lame,

Q You may have pondered lhe queslum, 3' R°*"P°“‘ “‘° "“"“' W‘

Lu ”How ruuch dues Lhat cost?" The 4. Dig Wm, mm .
answer is It‘s FREE! we pruylde lhls

9 Z serylee ID yuu gladly at no charge.
0 Ynu also may ask, "How lung 15 a
2019, usua 4 Lumslanasll . 5

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