Page 12 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 12

3.VMelLxsa Hancuzk
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omphancc Env|mSy~'t1:ma 1e.h lm~ been wnh cgs rer 11 ~hurl hne. bmud through ~r1n|tr1r_v .-ewer
r. lmadquaxtnmd m Baton ynaxs After graduating from LSU wnh plpca because thny prcscnl Lhu largnst
Rougc,Luumr1na cgs a dcgxeum mam mmmumcauon and n~k for gm uuhty compamL‘~ and the
L‘mpIoy~ more than 150 buflnc» adm|n1~tzr1l|on, he took a urge.-r hazard re rhe gcncral pubh: "

dnducamd and famxly-oncnlcd Iwu-day vamlmn bclom he was zhnm when (mu here. em |n n aamtary
L‘mpluycL‘~ and preerde. cumprchL‘na1\‘c Into (112 mal werm. "When [bcgrm at Mcwer er atunn dmm system, n pn:~nnK.s
ar1n|tr1ry .-ewer and dorm dram syalcm css, 1 d|dn’t know rnerh about .-ewer a lrcmL‘nduu~ly l\azaxduu~ sltuauon.
L‘valur1l|un.~,apccml1zmg|nlarguand eeuernen ayalcm~ er By cssr.-enpnme orlernrrngermbere.
dxfficulbtn-clean or acccai plpca and wurkmg handeeun wnh enr sewer through a cnmhnzmun of CCTV
allcxnzmvc clnanmg mulhoda. They uvaluauun erew. m the hold, attnndmg In~pcEuun.s of rnernhne p|pC~‘, sewer
al~u apncmhzc m cm» bum lotaung. cuunllcai houm cf lrammg .ern.nnr.- scxwcc hne. and hrghny accurate cps
Imh Gmham werk. wnh css and |s andl\r1vIngm—dnpLh ehsee.s.en. wnh data tollncuon."

re.pen.rb1e for blmncss dcvulnpmnnt rhee.-enae of eer clmnts, 1 am proud

_ _ _ css pre,err manager and dxmcmr of

re Luu|a|r1nn,Tc><a~,AIkr1n~r1~ and la ~r1vtlmlIhavclL‘amcd nn enorrnoe.

O“ h ,.A_ b g d , 1 _ — i f d H,‘ V |rammgrN|ckSpanu exp1ern..ernee:

a ernn. .e uamua unopmuut amounts rn oxmauonan we ms
the ehnnge. m tcchnulugv uvu rhe lrm
mprcsunlalivc, I am rL‘~pon~1blc for grown css mm rhe pmmlcx company ,, —
_ _ __ decade. ccrvrn.-peenenennrern.
cducaung out clmnt~(l'nun1npalmI:~, In Lhu nation Lhat apv:cmI|z,ca rn Erma
. ,, new hnve hrgher re.e1enen nnngrng
Cnglncnn, Imhty owners, eenrreemr. bum locating
_ up to -Ik. Camcm tram-pener motors
and ulhcxa) en rhe from end about the ,, ,, ,,
, Sxmplv put, n><pla1ns]o~l\, eeres. ere.-rrenger, and wheehnre hrgher
\ erv rcr1lt1\rcr1l~tlmlnatuIal gaa (mm —
' ,, ,, bum1~tlm1nlcr~umun ul ene uulny qualltv r1llow|ng in to navel iaxtlmx and
bumaprcicnt, aayslmh. Aawcllaa —
thmugh another uuhtv Cm» bores‘ ever obstacles. And cps cqmpmcnt
how to cfflcmnlly and tlmmughlv locale —
_ — enn be gas, .ewer, wr1lCY, drnrnnge, new 2|n:I:~u:s rnere .sfllC"|lL‘~(1\£\n ever,
and account rn ~r1mtr1rv . .
,, — e1eernr, fibcx, tnlccum, etc. we tend to rnnkrng (:15 data nnere accuratv: Latnral
sewn: eeuernen sy.rern..
locus en the ereerrenre of rmtuml gm
la . LomsumuE11 2019 Issued

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