Page 18 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 18

ea   BY/9'9 ‘E97
-7 < or ~um2 reason, when we thlnk heen asleed a question by one oi his
 of leaders, we oiten think of adult leaders about the meaning oi
- 7 bold, ehansinaue people, who, leaeleiship. He had zllmady ~2rv2d
' ‘ ._ V despite the oelds being staeleed in many leadeislnp rules, kind at the
" against them, unite people under them quletly eiieeuve type, with a slmng
‘ and show them the way to a sueeessiul character His response was part of
. - ‘ outeonie. while lzadelwhlp can and my edueation on the suhyeo ln his
men simply refeh to those in some iespunse, he eeeognized that despite
' position of power 01' authonty in an the fact that his role as an ufficial leader
" urganlzatlon D! gniup, we gzncmlly was over, or had at least changed, the
- lean towanls a desenpnon asenhing Dthez scouts in the troop still locked
,— *'» . tiaits and attnhutes to the teim. we to him when a eleeision was maele by
" 4 , dunk oisonieone ui high integnty and hi~ sueee.-sot. His iesponse eontinued
A . honesty, a good cnmmunlcaloz that with the ohseavation that sometimes the
3;. -3; >4. . - ,V inspne. alhnrs. way to he a good leader is to he a good
3 : ° "/’<§\s-:E~é>“75 2 . . follower. And thus, when they looked
» n V‘ 2., e- v , [shared this v|2W until onelengthy h h 11 h._ h
t . .L"l.W. . ,3 conversation with our oldest son who “‘ "“' E ” "Md ‘“ ”“*"’°" ‘°’ ‘ 2
 v "-lb’ -v 9 . :‘ was actlvely seelong the rank of Eagle ‘“°"’ °‘ .“‘° “°"" Md" '“ ”‘? "°°P' “
Hg <V>A ,— v m an Boy Smut. of Ammm WE ‘aha move which achieved the desned iesult
,_ Ir 9 .r I ‘ b H d _h ‘h I i‘ Y _ and zmpnwcmd the scout now ~2rvlng
 how it leaked’ A~ l diseusseel tlns with °""°" '“ “"5 “"d ‘ "W" f°'g°‘ ‘L
' 5 ~ ~., ., . ' , ' him, I thought to myseli that itwas a lot ln today's world, as we spend a gteat
$.42 to heap on a young man, one who was deal of time in out eompanies working
‘ not even of age to start driving or vote. on leadehhlp lramlng and leadership
é Whnnwzsezalzadenweusually j§V°:frg§;‘;;f${';;‘df;;:;_;jj:“'v
recognize them as such. But to ie. V“ ’ ’ ‘ . ’
. what uulv eonstitutes leadetslnpv
“‘“"° "‘"‘“'”°‘ ‘“ ‘hm ‘“°'“" “’ ‘’“‘“ Assess-in 'this is the l"lzslErillc1ls'le to
ourselves into one, even iiwe an ‘En {mi M; m Mimi ‘D e‘xfl’mf,’m
lucky enough to have the attnhutes, P _”‘ ’ P. ‘
. h _ _ Lh _ all levels of an mganlzatlon to find
pnvileged enoug to possess e traits, lefldm and to M WM hm made
the paueess pmsznls a difflcull task. _
them so. cood leaeleis undzntand
Yet most of in want to he a leader or at ‘hi “Inmate W‘ and Wm mm on
1*“ P““°“’““ “° "“°h N“ W “"‘““' attamm Lhafwllhln the aiameteis
wy to dunk of themselves being behlnd 3 . P i
\ ' the lead dug where the view nevex Th“ ”‘°Y “’° 5"” "““ ‘““"“““3
x _ .4; ,r uhanges, a lamb being led or one of the “M” “fim 5°“ ‘1f"‘!’“"“l‘)’f°”'d°‘_
_V ‘ _~_ __, a many Wm in Mud‘ ‘wins a MOW“ an exce ent insig t. t ean e 100 easy
 . - — * to concentrate on the most vocal, the
s . \7 , _ ,_ is chazaclerlznd as less than attractive,
.7. . _. W} 7 ‘M mhmblz most aetive, when the leadeaship that
‘ :  j * ‘ occun is theee heeaose of someone who
i ' ‘ After one lengthy diseussiun, our appeais to he in the shadows. .
son wmle elown some notes. He had
7 ' Mr ha»: memtv lmlllitm mmlln~¢lr14‘llt4VIm‘Ct>ov;_wI my sch Mt ll/in
aamw H14‘u‘fr>v nah mm 35 ya..-
16 . Loulslzml:E11 2019,lssue3

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