Page 3 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 3

from the desk of
hank you tor looking at this issue of our Louisiana 811 Magazine. In this
issue we toeus on the dangers ot crossbores and the ettorts being made to
eliminate them. we appreciate all that our exeavators are doing to prevent
damages to our vital underground mtrastrueture and in doing so, keeping our
neighborhoods sate.
Our damage prevention team continues to travel the state to promote sate
digging. Give us a call it you would like to set up a meeting in your area. we are
committed to working with you to keep our eommunities a sater place to live and
Just a reminder that the Luuisiana Dig Law has been updated during the past
legislative session and has now been signed into law by Governor Edwards. ACT
344 (senate Bill 32) will take etteet on August 1, 2019. Congratulations are in order
tor your dedieated hard work in making this possible and a speeial thanks to the
Dig Law Advisory Committee and our Legislature tor keeping the satety or our
people a top priority
It continues to be a privilege tor me to work with you in my eurrent role at
Louisiana 811. while we work diligently to find new and more cost ettective
ways to serve you, should you find that there is something we've overlooked, or
something that we ean do better, please do not hesitate to give us a call. we welcome your input and your suggestions.
And iinally, thanks to all of you who advertise in our magazine You have helped us reaeh every comer ot the state
with a consistent damage prevention message. Your support makes it all possible. I'd like to think we've placed your
message in tront of the right people as well. You may already know, but this magazine is mailed to our members. the
excavators who utilize our serviee as well as our mayors and parish otticials aeross the state If you are trying to get in
trout or this audience we have the periect vehicle
Inclement weather zld7)isln'_l/
DATE: JULY 11,2019
The impending weather in our area may cause heavy rains, tlooding conditions or any oeeurrenee that may wash away
utility marks or delay locators trom pelfurmlng their iob. Please be aware that it these conditions exist use extreme
caution when working around utility lines. Please be patient as satety is everyone's goal. special attention should be
paid to eoordinate activities between those who are exeavating and owner operators. Addltlonally, the ettects of this
weather may be long lasting.
The Louisiana Underground utilities and Facilities Damage Preventlon Law dei'-ines inclement weather as weather that
prohibits or impedes a worker's use or his locating equipment or eauses undue risk to himselt or his equipment sueh as
lighming, heavy rain, tornadoes, hurricanes. floods, sleet, snow, or flooding conditions.
In the event ot inelement weather, the mark by time shall be extended by a duration equal to the duration ot the
inclement weather. The owner or operator shall notify the excavator or demolisher before the expiration oi the mark by
time or the need tor such extension.
In eases due to inelement weather issues, our members may not be able to mark their underground utilities and
pipelines. If you have requested that utilities be located, and see lines located, please do not assume that all lines have
been located It you exeavate or demolish during times ot inclement weather, please proceed with extreme eaution.
If you have questions regarding the deiinition of inclement weather, please email David Prey at david@laoneeall com.
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2019 Issue 2 Llzulslanx E11 .1

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