Page 29 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 29

A word of mutton. En awam that Lhcm
maybe buried utrlrtres nearby when
msernng the ground otakn mto the
‘ ground
| Crealinlfi good grounding where
the eat 15 not accessible.
 5 am ll .. ._. or . . . "" ll :52; 5a: 22:: " ~ "°‘ "'W"—V° P°*;b‘° ‘° W.‘ "
lxa-ad: ll ll lrl -. nr=dHl~ := !!::l:‘&'‘ 5 E“.:£YE E::x:‘.‘ found ital“ mlo csmur-F¢ ~o wt
avc to e more mventne. or mstanee,
WSW Home connertmg the ground wrre to manhole
~ . - - . , - - . - cover outmund can be very effective.
(mod gl oundlng to lmplO\ c Lltlllty locatlng am ‘he mmmm mm W,‘ a mm
brush fint to Ensure n good eonnectron.
Introduction Tip You can also u~L‘ other rnetnllre
. t tu : b -d th ‘ d 1
rrenemoe.wl.enrwasrrr.nn.rodneed ;i"";ad'j; ‘j’E‘:cb“'l‘[b:§1’f’c‘;:ln‘:l°l;_
to the world ot utrlrty loentrng some 35 the earth l~ eompncled nround the * * E3“ ‘
choose a structure that eould erente
years ago. I was told that to get a good will alike so when you Push ‘hr mm a [mg mndunm Fm mmpm “
tame ,.,gm1yo., med to ~39. a good otakn rnto the ground, make ~un: rt
,, . , _ l~ temptrng to eonnect to a nretallre
ground. It renlly drdn 1 mean enythrng goes strarght rnto Ihc enrth wlLhout nny ‘mung slmmm bu‘ ‘hi. h m mm a
to one and drd nollung to help remove sldc to srde movement The deeper you I _
,, ,, _ ong conductor tlmt the return srgnal
the my~tlr;> ot groundrng. Hopetnlly pu~h lt rnto the ground the lxttu, tn the Wm M to hm‘ a “dc TIE mu” I.
the tollowrng nrtrele can help clanfy the ground tends to bo mom company and a ~mx"g flgml ndmm fmmmc
conce ts alou morster, whlch help~ eonnectnotv ‘ ‘
P to the ground. ln extrenre eases lt~ ' “‘“°“‘5 5”?’ “WY ‘‘°"‘ ‘‘‘“°‘“5

Finn to undmiand ground"-5 We worth wettrng the area around the enrth jndopendont Grounding

med '0 undmmnd Where ~'I$m1»~ otakn llenve rt to the render to decrde

comclfrom. Detlecénblle eleetrornagnetrc Wlmm but [0 gm Wm“ U~'~‘hfl“l'"dtElI’:“T'3“‘ grow: lglménd
olgna s are eren e w Icnnvzr we _ 4 _ mu lp e u r r r mes may e on e
have M. dmnm; mm“ m,.,,,,.g m ,1 Poslllomng the ground stake. together. A tyoreal example ot thl~ la
conductor Now, tor the current to now The Puma“ of ms ground M“ can when mappmg out rnultrple cables

m a uulltv we need n complete crrcurt _ _ radratrng from an unused low voltage
i 7 I h I d affnct rcwulto. The rum rs |0 have the ‘ _i b 1 I T1

rom n transmitter, a ongl e ull It), an “gm, [mm] along ‘hr uumy Wmwm rans ormer ~u s a loo. rere ls n
then back to the tmrumlttcr any mmmm {mm M “gm! Icmptatlon to connect the ground wrre
’ imtltr ttlthtrt

Them are a ew wayo to ~afnly cunncn renmnng thmugh the ground Tu m'3n§°A;;g;;';; 51'“: ;v;;}°§0d

lo the table but that rs nnother oublzct. mlmrmzc LP-L‘ cffncts of the smut-<1 ground and \mu;d ,’N’m in kffof
suttree to say we can connect the currents n l~ best to plnce the earth fl fll Huwcm the ;m“m ‘(mud Wm
Imnsmlttez to the utlllty, Huwnvcr, amke as far away from dun um-r,v ’bj_"C‘m’mmd to 'fl,, mt ‘nb,e§m,md,.
typreally, there I» no return cable. so we as l>o~'>lblc»Furt1m reason, most and Pmbflbly the mum" mum“
mu.t create our own return pnth back mnnutacrorers recommend placlng _ _

wlthm the burldrng. Thrs allows the
to the tranomlttu. We do this bv uolng the ground otaka pctpmdlculax to Lhn: _
the earth ' utlllty and m tar away as pomlblc. “"3"” ‘° ’°‘“”‘ “’ 'h“ '”“”"“““
' along rnultrple palha creaung n very
The srgnal travel~ nlong the utlll|y Thrs rs a good .tnrung point, however, contusrng locate olluatlon. ln thrs cnse
creatrng a olgnal we can locate but the other lnflucncna ~l\uuld be eonsrdered. rt rs mueh butter to use an rndependent
mturmng srgnnl uses the ground as a For nxamplc, plncrng the ground ground otakc posrtroned well nway
conductor back to Lhc tmnomittu The atakn class to otlmr utlllty lmno will [mm the subotatlon. If necessary, |X~L‘
mm,“ m,,m.. d,,..,.r,.,.e , eneoumge the return srgnnl to hltth an cxtenolun cable to Extend the earth
throughout the ground so they lmve a rlde on thnue‘ utllltlno. The result connecuon to a surtoble groundrng ~ltc.
mrnrrnal etteet on the srgnal radratmg can be |hr1t the return srgnol beeomes N _ A I‘ E W H K
\ I1. I 1 I [6 mod.“ ote. . .1 m or e ea to are, or may
from the ullllty. In tho cr1~L of mam “gm 9”“ °“°“$ ‘ 9 “N” be 1"": do hm um H mm“ mnncnion
cabins, the tar end ground rs created algnal whroh can be contusrng tor the unlN'yOu lnvgdm “mm cqmpmm
by the lmtallnr of the cab]: Thu: DPnratur So, li thl: posltlon of other ’ ‘
dlr b‘.tbl'l dFl
kansmlttct end l~ usually erented by ut-1mc~ x~ known, keep «hr ground ::b,c‘:‘;“fl;,§;',’C‘f;,:“P {hfjj['d°bc :,.'w'1"“
Ihl: opnralor. A mutalllc nazth stake, stake well away from them. 1 H Lh ’
_ V w nc la ano ct topic.
uuxall). In» tlmn U.5m ln length, 13
AM: remember that the ground
:ns:r;cd lull}? the ground and the bloc: mmmmn lead mu hm ‘ht mum fi<n0\"\'ll“Afi‘V:lI1;fllalgL;‘1flll|a berngl
ea rom e tmnomlttnx l~ eonnecte MW] and an be mmmd mm the ransmr e rom e ranoml er la
Io |t. “gm! ‘mm ‘he “my Kcnpmg ‘ht a good rndrcatron ot how good the
’ . ‘ groundrng rs. Q
cable perpendrenlar wlll help reduce
|hc etteets ot Lhls
2019 VSSME 2  an . 27

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