Page 24 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 24

Sustalnlng Member Recognltlon
uulsmna all would llkc to take mm to nstognlzc and alncnmly thank our su.-lamlng Membm. su.-lamlng Members am
lndlvlduals or buslnL‘~~'c~' wlm sham our |ntcl'L‘~t m publlc ~.1fcty,buldo not own or operate undurgxound izlclllllna. ll’.-
folks llkl:ll1L‘~c wlm are truly pamlunatv: about damage prcvcntlon and help ua to spmad the ’’Call or Cllck bufoxn you dlg"


What are the costs to lmrame a Su5tainlllgMrlnl1er.7 Tlm coal |S mlnlmal — only $115 per ynaxr

How do you sign My’ Il'~ ea.-y Let us‘ know y1.»Il'm lnmrcsmd In becomlng a Sualalnlng Member and wc’ll annd you a mcmbclslllp
appllcatlon that nnly t.1kL‘~ mlnutca to complete. Onu: filled out, [Hat mall |n(l1C applltzlllun mm your check and tlml's' nz Vllllllln
dayi of mtclvlng your lnformatlon, wc’ll Im you or your finn on out web.-ne .1. .1 Sudalnlng Mcmbcx Make me to .nnd u~ you:
lngo me bccausc we'll um‘ ll pcrlodlcally m Klll~ magzlzlnc, pm It on ~0Ch1ll'l'|L‘dlfl and use n m prL‘~nntatlon~

So dun’l delay and algn up today by gulng to www luulsimmfll.rm1l/in¢l:)..php/ltltltlllmahlp and tllck "Nnw Mcmbcmlllp Applltatlon."

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22 . Lomsumu E11 2019 lssue2 nwmmmmwnw

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