Page 7 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 7

B rent ‘s
iiiiiie outreach is a majnr ioeiis D1d yon knuw we have a Faczbouk
here at Louisiana an. we have page and a miner aeeoiinn 1n lodays
a very active Public Awareness sonai media environment, we ieei irs
ciumminee and we're a1ways iniperanve to reach as many folks as
open nu near ideas iui haw we can we ean so niese two plalinrms are iised
spread iuiir "Call or Chck 1ueiore ynu nu ounvey a mninnide of iniormanon.
dig” message Banner enanenges, Diggers Nlght Out
1 wan1ed nu make you aware of severa1 :f_;“r:;’;“:fl‘3;“é:::fi:’::1:j‘:§j:‘M
“Y5 W“ 3" ““""“‘Y E°‘“"3 °“’ emai1 newsiener ean be nuiind 1iere.
3::jgfilj;;;_§’;j_"§d‘j2{;ji;;*:g;j_V§'= Check iis nut and ne us an Fncebook
(Diane Allen s. As.suc1at2.s‘) that does ‘f;';:j";‘{’jfj‘:"f*+:j;f‘/ELr"(‘;"t'f‘;"/’/’l’,lji‘;‘“;Y
a ianiasne job Elf seeiiring ad spaee in  V ‘ _
. com/Iams11mn_K11). Who knows, maybe
mn1np1e publlcatlons that are re1evani , . _
. you 11 see your pienire on one of niese
IDDur1ndusrry.Add1t|unally, they SM
2 obtain radiospeis and 1ui111ueardsaenuss "
0 die slate end1 year reaoiiing nioiisands Spaakmg of iuiineaon eiiims,
of excavators and demolishzrs. It‘s big event is up next Lhat we'll be
U_ diineiiu NOT to see and/iur 1iear iis pazudpnting in? Huw nbnut a Baby
_I iiniiaingiiiese vaniuiis media iupnens. Ekes-E Xiiniulr
O 4 Did ynu knuw we have an email _ 5:; Di m Mm” wE,1‘fbe"d“
< news1ener loo? Thrnugh iunr news1ener, 33 3 ’
. . opening weekend sponsor so nia1re
U W‘ “"5 “ME ‘° "'°"'d° “"‘°lY lans to attend one In more of the
iniormanon nu iuiir sia1re1io1ders siiolu Pamgs in H“ ,,sMm D“ Amine” m
I.IJ as miroamage 1-revenriiun siimrnii, fidemue A r“ M wed ME to hm
0 2 Louisiana Connectmn mnfexzncz, W 5“ it '
soiiware training e1asse.-, 1egis1arive V PP '
O issiies, open liiuiise evenis and much, 1n (lasing, 1e1iis knew if ynu have
< miidi niiure. To subscribe nu Du! email an event penaining nu underground
news1euer, just send nie an emai1 damage prevennon niai we s1ioii1d
" (Drml@l/1or1zmII.a7rrz) and 111 add you nu anend. We're a1ways looking ior
our disiribnnon list so ynu won't miss iuppiurninines and, if our se1iedn1e and
out on anything.’ budget perniics ii, we'll be there} .
2015115511: 1 Lumsmni 811 . 5

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