Page 13 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 13

H or vc|1tL\rcdoulIn ATV.~ and tru:k~
‘ . mm dmcmm dL~\'m_'x1nnuntL~d on
 Y .‘ ,__ them The l~~|IL‘ would xnuvltably

_ Q ems am A ~ccn()n M hm: wa~ m an
area xnaccuxqblc by mm or vehicle.
Dmrmw ~ul\'L~tlmlpmbIc1n Thcy
can km pmgmlnnmd wnh the CIS
coordxnatca m a pipeline and mu
~.. 7 V nuldc\.1atL~xmn1Khcnpmgraxn
. — _' by .5. Flymg under the [me canopy
h "um ' _ and lugh tendon clccm: Imu.
.. . . , wlulu aim avoiding creek nr nvur
, :5 ;.:: ~ cm»Ing~ nm.m~ greater arena can
I‘’’’ “ ' be xmpucmi in la» lune
Ezmur mancu\'cmbIlIly1~ certainly a
i _ big \c11.n,; pumt,bL\[[11L‘n_' arL~ot11cr
5 ad\'anmgc~ bung rcahzcd by Heath.
‘I ' ‘ "Iv. man: than ,1»: leak dulcclmn,"
, __ Paul xay.~ “Sumubody mxghlbc
. ' ; bnuldmg :1 hunting mud or a
flower garden on the r1ghH\x—w'ay."
Bccmmz of the \\'1dur)n~pcCtmn
> mmh, mnunLmI\'1dL~u capabllllxcw
M the dr()nL~’~ camel.» and the
ability to get much clmcr m the
R—O—W, Iandnwm. (ah ha nonfwd
more manly um mm pmycct .. nut
pcnmttcd Clmckx can am be done
to find cxpuwd p1pc~ utter a flood
and can be u>¢L‘d for
com/Nam ow mag 19
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. ‘ ‘ .   ....a..... lagging wilh am an ...a\,m
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9- ..m,. calibralinn mm f
' Pipeline saiety staxts :4/\:.o,_., ‘
lrom the ground up. ‘ a
Luczm mmm mmm markm mus mndcs
_, and Lzmma mm wxlh 1m msayc.
Rtcawcv and 5 Wan Yvansvwlmv
Always call an name ,7
ynudig.|l‘slhe|aw. _
/ .
' 5:1 mm: niliehnz sal:|v (J »
ininvmaiinn 2|
mspeamm kn cmss bows /mm 2 a o mm gas Itansnnssmn and
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Msnenmn Camera Sysmm umny Locamv
Cz\I Lli .mn.m.. .n  I10 .,...w.m demonilrtunn (800) 446-3392
  v.m.u.m.¢.n. Carpnnlllan Wm 4|u=v,=m,==,:«, u:::...(.
-nu-Q-l~‘»;;‘I;;_‘If-_-‘_‘_ ‘ ._ 1 _ :z51 mm“ swan run r... am 445 am am si\es@vxmI tflfll
samm... mans. usA pm. ounsma mm mmmmmmum
2019 Issue 1 Lamsrarxi 511 . 11

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