Page 22 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 22

pm... ....1.
he human body .s, accoxdmg underground p.pes 1.. 1}.e lines are gravity and slope
to Wlklpzdm, about 1.07. water. wllcm .1..- nncdnd.}.asse...ea downwardfzomlhs b...1a...g The g...-
we cannot lwe ..».11.....1 watnr .1.- purposi‘, some (.1..o1 ......—1) of this leaks, senk~ 11.e path of 1e...-1 rcswlancn
B..1 1.... .....e1. water ... Lhc walcr w|ll [em 11.e through and .ases 11. Lhe bunldmg. 11 um gas
wrong place e.... be a vcry bad 1}....;; underground .ewe. p|pI:~ ve.y fnw .s s...1.e.e..11.. eseape from 11.e
Les-1 ye... .1 was hurncane Harvzy mumclpal water p|pL‘~ and my few sewe. ~'y~Icm (e g., bubble through a
T}... ycar .1 was (and sun .s ..s[w..1e sewe. p.pes an: wnll marked, and ’’I’’’ trap) and 11.e gas .e.e}.es a wumn
1}..s)1......e....e 11see.... .. many an nun-metallic T1..s makes ex .g...1....., an Cxplouon will likely
Lhougll Lhousand-ycar flood eve-..1s an: occur.
happening 1.........e often. Acouplznf " “ ‘ g \ v‘ . _
puInl~mgard|ngflond~ Mm... h 1 1:‘ a_ E ;1 hi: :1  Tff **E;“~~'~1C{*'**'_'*'»';A""_°f g“ rj;“"~
.s POWERFUL11 Ifwalnsmsmnvxng ‘  ‘M "
ae...ssa.o..d 11.. NOTdnve through .1 jg ; ~g 2;. r; :32? *
’ .  : w {\ . 1 n0lLheresultn[cxos~
....1essy.... am abwlutnly c2na1ntl1.1l|t _ _ V V 7 ‘PP‘‘_‘““‘ Y _
.se..1y.1ew....}.e.aeep 1...... can't ‘ : {W _ 7} W1,   ,, ::f;é$3u‘l~§f§“tf:§~:£:i;::!"1
melherozId,you:an'lbcsumyuucan 1 1 x.t Q‘ \~.2‘M«r$ ‘v * ‘ *
make .1. 11 .s lxkn trying 1.. beatalram ~ _ v . \ f d“‘““5.° ”“ ’“’““‘“‘}‘““‘"‘* ‘YP“°°‘
.....,....g. .. you .m1.,... ...e 1 M1 /1 : E: ‘z i an E5‘. ‘1 
1......,11.e1..... w.u em.-1.yo... ve1..e1e . - Bo11o...1...e: w..1e. sare1y.s a LOT
every ume. D... nm In movmg watnr g 33 3;’  5 1 j 33‘ V more Lhanjustwnrrymg abu..1..~.nga
1..... your car ...1o a s..b...a....evz ' l1fn]acket.1nd learning to sw....
Themcov£ry2florL~forFlorcn:e mm dmmmumm whmmppm seaw...eoryo...s..........a...gsa..d,
""2 “‘‘“d3' ‘’“5‘““ W“ ‘“ ‘“““""5 when gas n..e.- an: mplaced or new g... ""0"? “'1 BE SAFE" .
......p..we..nasupp1.e.1.em Te... _ am m~t.1llcd? 1..s1.u..1..... may be
and1a...m..aae..11}.a1..1}.e.s1.1es bv mmhm ‘mm mlmmmfll _
amaswcll n.a1sa.d,.1.saLoTo. d—"emDml§l'nFl’lm u§~DD) H [mm I-vimImbzrm~df~mPHM5A
Wmkmdeanupmmflm‘mflwd> mmncfin mug“! “h»mr‘>mums;1 ;,ms.:
W“ ‘“ ”"“°“’“ ‘"9 “‘“ ‘“°"“""5 1... water ufsuwu 1;. be em... ;. ’’""""'("5b"gl°b"' W
"°‘“ H“"°V' "“”"‘”‘°“ 5”)’ nHDD.s..sea a 11:l.omcnon‘cal‘l§d I
hydrated. 11 you am ouludn wurkmg flwbfi n’my'D[fm Aflmbm
... ..b....e 72 degmcs, you * V * _ - I 
Pmbablywowtbwmtmdmklw nccun1v1h£n|hL* .1..11...g1..1.1passes 3 4 an 7 u 1 2 u
through a Water [Inc or 21 .ewe.1...e. ,
muthwalex. Take frequent bmaks 1.. Th d . o 2 6 7 ‘ 3 5 4
, _ e amagc Ioawalex 1...e .s ,

     3 nun
mo~qu1Io rrspnllant, gloves, safety ' ? 
gIaasI:~2Indod1crpL‘r~nnal ;';;v;g;{';gj‘:;;mD:g;;g;‘;j,;=~;;; _e In 7 3 s 2 EH
p.o1en.veeq..ip...e..1 tlmlmavbe ’ ’ P ’ H 
flwmpnm — 5  n

» so damage maynulbexmmcdmlely ,
w1...1e1se .s Lhe.e1.. wmy ..b....1 apparent “'9 ~Ihml|°“ bewmefi 3 
v1'|t1\respe:llowaler? 11.1 .s potable cxmcal v1'hcnlhL‘g.1~'lIn2:au~'c~a 5. 
<d....1.ab1e)wa1e..11..s1o ...ee1 clog m the anwerlmc andxwlumbrr 3 ‘ 5 7
purity s1a..dm1s. 1.. ...b.... amas, removes 1}.e clog, 1}.e.eby damaging 11.e 
mos.po1ab1ewa1e.1..ve1s1}...s..g}. gas 1...e. c.....s1.;;}.1e.1}.a...... sewe.

21. . 1W... an 201...... 4

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