Page 17 - Louisiana 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 17

I he Inaugural LA811 Connection
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One can Concepts ns
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n Nmm,,D, 12,1 4, 2018, cxplom the enspnnys and nctwurk wnh _— ‘
,_uu,,.,mgn (LAM) nuwand cxhnng1ndIHtIyconnccum1~ / r
hmtvd tlmnaus-‘r-11'-rW1 In addmonlotlxcnxhubxloxbootlw (hr 4 ' ' :1’ ‘ V
C1.»nnccl|1.»nMcL‘l|n atlhc  \ . . ' '~' . ‘
Golden Nugget Hotel & Cmlni |n Lake "fit"? ‘Tm,:'Dm .d".m"5§ P'§Vfm.‘°}:"}, , I] ~'’'
Charlm L1.»Ius1an1 Th|~'L‘duc1l|1.»n1I K Lfh "m"§f°E “P a’ W"; L ‘ * ’ 2’ W
V » » K = ma : mg . e. 1.»mmh~1onv: . .
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LvLkr'Ihbrl<:s{>td1‘fl;‘a‘2zL P§‘:VU“‘°: by one Call Contcph, Inc, both 5 I , K_
;:‘mfO;=k :1: *0 mm a“ ensmnnzea ve}ne1es were buullby Paul 1‘ 47 ‘ " .
53'": Pr-><l|<=~ 1: of ”AmL‘nc.1n ChL»ppcI"f.1mI:l1.» ma " 3 ,
and ad\'an:L‘mL‘nts |n thc mansny Wm, M Pubhc flWm.,,m C,,,m,.
The speenn kcynotc speaker at (11:
event was Gary Nmland, an accxdcnt Bascd on attendee imdbazk, xhe ms: 1 H H ,2, . 1 ,
fiunqm, and (mm, K,‘ ~-[he ;,,,P,,c. Inaugural LA811 Conneeuon was .1 ‘I v.
,,m,,,,,,.,,yy HNm.,y mcwgc 1'\ugcaIIc:c~'a!W11r:nas'kcd abuutthc ‘__ _ r__ _ -
spollxgllb n.. ncar-dcath c><pL‘nL‘ncL‘ event, Molly snurh, damage pmvcnrwn ‘ a " §
bung clcctxocutcd wIth12,5UU volts and »~uPL‘rVI~'-W Wflh CL‘"l<‘r"°|m Envrg» ‘ _ '  .
11m«'Itz\ffL‘:kL‘dtlm.~.c :11»: to hnn and noted, "It'~' go-nx really good» I've  V ‘I. '
},,,. m,,.mu,.,,y, bu‘: a}l‘>lc to makc a lot 1.»;n.»nnccl|v.»n~ 3, ‘ I .
'tt‘L ‘it was»
Anmauwsxenea mm-cw X.‘.1..,e.2n?."2I;E.Z?Tn§§n,,Lf"" l g , ..
 have bL\'nrL‘allycngng|ng." Mme F 3 I
~' ' », " P:lr"Ld‘d[f '~
nuoughouz«h=aa»»ana—srha:n<>ng n‘..‘L§f u°n“nZ§;,l"u.,§“n‘§.§L§ m thc '
nmL‘l|ng,pIL‘~cntL‘r~lcd ,,,dW,V,,m xv0X|'“1[ClY 35,,m,, ‘ .
Dncngagmg mp1cs'auchz\alhcLA81l H ’ ‘ . ,‘.'§Pny. ‘ ’, '1‘,’} ‘ ~: '
mubxlc npp ITIC Nc><tCcn cns.s w""m‘M ' “mm on 0 0 “ ’
Mm cmcgfi ‘MAP and A‘ law d|ffnxL‘nlc1.»n[crcncc~' bath srnnn and r_ U.“ H: 7.
s / ‘ V‘ 3‘ large, and me wbe humwrlghkatlhc -1 .
updatcs, to name .1 kw In an mam mp Offl"vt1,“"g‘rvC Cxpcmmd ,, The a.
hv-»lc1h‘°.VL‘rr thm‘ Wm‘ 19 <'><1“bW-W nuendee; gamed vnlnnble knuwlcdgc , -., A, s ‘-
b d L -1‘ d .- v . . , . “‘ ‘
P:>:;u~c End made nen mmne:nn1nnm:L L } _\ \
’ ‘ ’ ‘ ama C mvrsnuun 1n u~lrv (aka ‘ ‘
many <>PPormnmL‘~ fa! -mmd<'=> '0 back If» (Eur IL‘~pL‘:lIvc wnnpnnn-s. _> 
Tum Iduaa mm aclmn by attending next 9;, ) _ ‘ ‘
ycaflscvcm! an I?’ "'
201:! mu Laursnanssu . 15

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